Chapter 481 Give him a piece of land

There is one thing that Zimeng has been planning for a long time, and now, taking advantage of the rebuilding of Beili's house, she just included the things she cares about.

However, this matter needs to be discussed with Bei Li Xinhong, and I hope there is no major problem.

"Okay, come back early." Di Yuanmo rubbed Zimeng's head, then went to Yuzhu and the others to help pack things.

Zimeng and Bei Liwan also left the State Teacher's mansion, and went to the palace to find Bei Li Xinhong.

"Little aunt, what do you want grandpa to discuss?" Bei Liwan walked beside Zimeng, tilted her head, and looked at Zimeng puzzled.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just that I want to create a small yard outside Beili's house."

Zimeng smiled at Bei Liwan, Bei Liwan blinked her eyes and thought about it, is it really that simple?

Although she knew that Zimeng might be hiding something from her, Bei Liwan was very considerate and didn't ask anything. Anyway, when Zimeng wanted to say something, she would definitely tell her.

"Little aunt, are you here?" Bei Liyang, who was talking to Mo Qiran, saw Zimeng and the others coming, hurriedly got up and greeted them.

"Well, why are you still here? Don't you want to go to Yuan Tianzong?" Zi Meng looked at Bei Liyang in confusion. She suspected that Bei Liyang had been here for such a long time.

"Master said that Yuan Tianzong has nothing to do recently, so let me stay and help, don't worry."

Bei Liyang smiled at Zimeng to reassure her, Zimeng just nodded and didn't continue to ask.

"By the way, where's the old man?" Zi Meng looked around, but didn't see Bei Li Xinhong.

"Mo Xie planted some herbs, and Patriarch Bei Li went to take care of them for him. They should be in the medicine garden now." Mo Qiran had also walked to Bei Liyang's side, looking at Zi Meng.

"It seems that the old man is in a good mood, isn't he? That's not bad." Zi Meng smiled. She thought that Bei Li Xinhong would be very sad, but unexpectedly, she was in a good mood.

"Grandpa said that since the incident has already happened, there is nothing to be done about it. Fortunately, there were no casualties."

Bei Liyang laughed along with Zimeng, Bei Li Xinhong was also very happy to have such a good attitude.

"Then lead the way, shall we go find him now?" Zi Meng stretched her waist, and several of them went to find Bei Li Xinhong together.

When seeing Bei Li Xinhong, Zi Meng suddenly felt that at home, preparing such a piece of land for Bei Li Xinhong to plant some herbs is actually quite good.

Looking at his muddy body, but with a smile on his face, in fact, now, is he the most relaxed look?

In fact, Zimeng also knows that as the head of the family, he has too many responsibilities. If Bei Liyang is not still practicing Yuantianzong, he is afraid that he has already rested at home.

The next generation of the Patriarch of the Bei Li family is Bei Liyang, which has already been determined by the Bei Li family.

"I said, you little fellows, is it interesting to stand here and watch the old man work?" Bei Lihaoxin held a teapot in his hand and looked at Zimeng and the others standing there.

Zimeng turned her head and reached out to take the teapot in his hand.

"Second brother, I think that after the reconstruction of Beili's house is completed, we can set aside such a piece of land for the old man so that he can make troubles at home. Let's see how happy he is now?"

Zimeng looked at Beili Xinhong with a smile, Beili Haoxin nodded in agreement. In the past few days, he also found that the old man seemed to like this kind of life very much.

(End of this chapter)

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