Chapter 569 Intractable Diseases (6)

Zimeng and Yuzhu looked at each other, they both could see Qin Yu's nervousness, but at this point, even if he was nervous, Zimeng was ready to continue talking.

If Qin Yu gave up, I was afraid that Qin Xue would die in a short time, but it seemed a bit too heartless for Zi Meng to directly say that Qin Xue would die.

"The reason why she has been exuding a stench is because of the carrion. According to normal people, those injuries should heal soon.

However, because she was already poisoned, the situation would naturally not be like that of a normal person. Not only did those wounds not heal, but they would fester continuously.

Coupled with the effects of those poisons, her body became weaker and weaker, and it became even more impossible for these injuries to heal. It took a long time to form her current situation. "

Zimeng calmly told what she had noticed, Qin Yu looked at Zimeng in surprise, he didn't expect Zimeng to know Qin Xue's situation just by looking at it.

Zimeng didn't care about his expression, but just looked at Qin Yu calmly.

Now, she told Qin Yu these things in order to prepare them mentally.

Even if she brought Qin Xue back to life, Qin Xue would still be in pain for a while, but pain is better than death, isn't it?
"Miss Zimeng, no matter what the situation is, please help my sister." Qin Yu looked at Zimeng respectfully, and Zimeng smiled at him.

"Since this is the case, then I don't have any hesitation, Yu Zhu, let's get started!" Zi Meng ignored Qin Yu, stood up, and quickly put on the same coat as Yu Zhu's.

Qin Yu blinked, looked at Zimeng and Yuzhu who suddenly got busy, but didn't realize what was going on.

He looked at Zimeng in a daze, Zimeng was still talking to him just now, why is he suddenly busy now.

Moreover, she looked as if she was ready to treat Qin Xue's injury.

"Miss Zimeng, you..." Qin Yu said in a daze, Zimeng stopped and turned to look at him.

"Is something wrong?"

"You are this?"

"I'm going to treat your sister, but I don't need your help, so why don't you go and help them boil hot water? When we're done, we'll call you in."

Zimeng smiled at Qin Yu, Qin Yu nodded blankly, turned and left, Zimeng and Yuzhu walked into the room.

"Can this still be cured?" Yu Zhu was stunned when she saw the injury on Qin Xue's body.

No wonder the smell is so strong, with this kind of injury on the body, I'm afraid, I have suffered a lot, right?
It's just that, it's already like this, is there any way for Zimeng to cure it?
"It can be cured, but it may take a long time. Most of her body is wounded, and the carrion must be peeled off."

Zimeng also looked at Qin Xue cautiously. It was the first time for her to experience so much workload, and she might not be able to finish it for a while.

Zimeng started to pull out the silver needle from Qin Xue's body, and woke Qin Xue up. Qin Xue looked at Zimeng in confusion.

"We're going to start treating you now, why don't you swallow this first? In this way, you can relieve the pain during the treatment."

Zimeng smiled at Qin Xue, Qin Xue nodded, Zimeng put the elixir into Qin Xue's mouth, the elixir melted in the mouth, there was no need to chew anything, so Qin Xue was going to swallow it without any effort.

"Sleep well, everything will be fine when you wake up." Zi Meng said softly to Qin Xue.

(End of this chapter)

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