Chapter 570 Intractable Diseases (7)

"Thank you!"

The medicine took effect quickly, Qin Xue gradually fell into a coma, Zi Meng and Yu Zhu looked at each other, put on the special mask, and started to move.

Yu Zhu helped Zi Meng, and watched Zi Meng remove the carrion from Qin Xue's body, she couldn't help frowning, how painful would it be if she was awake?
When Zimeng picked the rotten meat, she was merciless. In some places, the rot was so deep that Yuzhu could see the bones.

"Miss Zimeng, in this way, even if she wakes up, can she still move?"

Yuzhu looked at Zimeng's actions worriedly, and she saved her life now, but if she can only lie on the bed and cannot move in the future, wouldn't life be better than death?

Zimeng didn't raise her head or speak, and her subordinates kept moving.

After Zimeng removed the piece of rotten flesh, she raised her head and looked at Yuzhu.

"As for how she can recover, it depends on her own condition. However, I think that as long as all the toxins in her body are discharged, she should be able to recover."

After Zimeng finished speaking, she let out a breath, Yuzhu nodded, watching Zimeng lowered her head and continued to work, she stopped talking and quietly assisted Zimeng.

Zimeng will never forget that this is a world of magic. Naturally, people's bodies are also different, and they will recover quickly.

The hot water boiled a lot, and it felt like it was almost enough, so Bei Liwan and Qin Yu stopped.

They waited anxiously for Zimeng's news outside, but after a long time, there was not much movement in the house, and they couldn't help but become more anxious.

Bei Liwan was worried that Zimeng and Yuzhu would faint inside because of the smell, but they didn't know anything outside.

What Qin Yu was worried about was that although Zimeng said he could be saved, would something unexpected happen to Qin Xue!
"Wan'er, change the hot water." Just as Bei Liwan and Qin Yu were guessing wildly, Zimeng yelled in the room, Bei Liwan quickly opened the door, ran in, and then, just for a while, Just ran out.

Qin Yu could tell that Bei Liwan's face suddenly turned pale, as if she had been frightened.

Even so, Bei Liwan quickly brought clean hot water in, seeing the water brought out by Bei Liwan, Qin Yu was startled,
That full basin, where is the water?It should be said that it's all blood, right?
"Miss Zimeng, how is my sister? Are you okay?" Qin Yu stood outside the door, although he was anxious, he did not block Bei Liwan's way of running back and forth.

Qin Yu's question did not get any response from Zimeng. Qin Yu opened his mouth, but could only bear it and waited anxiously outside.

After Bei Liwan finished changing the water, she stood outside with Qin Yu. Qin Yu didn't know what Bei Liwan saw inside, and her expression never eased.

Although he really wanted to inquire, Qin Yu didn't dare to ask anything, so he could only hold back anxiously, waiting for Zimeng and the others to come out.

"Well, don't worry, with my little aunt here, nothing will happen." Bei Liwan was quiet for a long time before recovering, looking at Qin Yu who was walking back and forth anxiously.

She thought that maybe it was her expression that frightened him just now, so she hurriedly opened her mouth to comfort Qin Yu, but it didn't seem to have much effect!

"It's been a long time, and there's no news. Are you really okay?" Qin Yu looked at Bei Liwan worriedly, and Bei Liwan smiled at him.

(End of this chapter)

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