Chapter 580 Zi Meng is Shy
"Won't you take a dip with me? It's very comfortable to take a dip in the hot spring." When Zi Meng said this, she didn't think much about it at all, she just wanted Di Yuanmo to take a dip in the hot spring to relieve her fatigue .

However, Di Yuanmo's words were heard in Di Yuanmo's ears, but this was not the case. Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng's eyes with a little fiery enthusiasm.

"Zi'er, are you inviting me?" Di Yuanmo lowered his head, and gently brushed Zi Meng's lips with his fingers.

Zi Meng blinked her eyes, not understanding what Di Yuanmo meant.

"However, it's too early now, I don't want to hurt you, but you can't escape."

Di Yuanmo didn't care whether Zi Meng could understand what the words meant, and continued to speak.

"Huh?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with big question marks on her head, and Di Yuanmo smiled at her.

"Go for a dip first, call me if you need something, I'm nearby." Di Yuanmo lowered his head, kissed Zi Meng lightly on the lips, turned and left, leaving Zi Meng in a daze.

Zi Meng squatted down with some doubts, and stretched her little hands into the hot spring to feel the temperature of the hot spring, which was really comfortable.

Can't wait to take off her clothes, Zimeng stepped down from the hot spring, and the warmth instantly surrounded Zimeng.

Zimeng closed her eyes comfortably, feeling the transparent warmth all over her body.

And Di Yuanmo stood on the book in the distance, paying attention to the surrounding situation so that no one would break in.

Thinking about Zimeng's appearance just now, Di Yuanmo couldn't help but smile, this girl doesn't even know how attractive her words are to him!
"Ah~~" Zimeng, who was soaking comfortably in the hot spring, suddenly opened her eyes, her face flushed.

"What did I just tell him? No wonder he said that, oh my god, kill me?"

The slow-minded Zimeng suddenly realized what Di Yuanmo said just now, and she plunged into the hot spring from embarrassment.

Think about it, if Di Yuanmo wasn't an upright gentleman, he might have had a serious accident now, right?

It's good now, Zimeng felt that she was ashamed to see Di Yuanmo, it was too embarrassing.

"Zi'er, come out after soaking, it's not good if it takes too long." Di Yuanmo's voice came from a distance, and Zi Meng's face turned red again!
She covered her face in distress, and she didn't dare to imagine what Di Yuanmo's expression would be when she saw Di Yuanmo.

"Zi'er?" Zi Meng didn't respond, and Di Yuanmo was a little worried that Zi Meng would faint in the hot spring after soaking for too long.

So, when he rushed over in a hurry, he arrived at Zimeng who was only half dressed.

"Are you okay?" Di Yuanmo looked away uncomfortably when he saw Zimeng's snow-white shoulders.

"It's okay, um, why did you come in?" Zi Meng hurriedly put on her clothes, and looked at Di Yuanmo uncomfortably.

"I called you, but you didn't answer. I thought something happened to you, so I came in to take a look. Are you comfortable?" Di Yuanmo coughed lightly, walked to Zimeng's side, and looked down at Zimeng.

"It's very comfortable, I heard your voice, so come out and get dressed quickly, go go for a dip." Zi Meng smiled at Di Yuanmo, then hurriedly ran away with her head down out.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's uncomfortable and fleeing appearance, and raised the corners of his mouth. Zimeng's shy appearance was really cute.

As soon as Di Yuanmo sat down in the hot spring, he heard a few footsteps. He looked up and saw that it was Qinglong and Baihu. The white tiger was still holding Muxi excitedly in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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