Chapter 581 I'll Definitely Get Lost

Di Yuanmo didn't react, why did Qinglong and the others come out?
"Why are you here?" Di Yuanmo looked at them.

"Zimeng said, the hot spring here is very comfortable, let us come and take a bath with you." Baihu looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile, and the corner of Di Yuanmo's mouth twitched slightly.

Let them soak with him, is it because he is afraid that he will be flooded, or that she will be lost?
"The deity just stayed in the sea of ​​stars for too long, so I came out for a walk and soaked in the hot spring by the way."

Qinglong turned his head arrogantly and did not look at Di Yuanmo, but his curiosity about the hot spring was still revealed in his gaze.

Mu Xi was more straightforward, didn't even say a word, didn't take off her dress, she just jumped out of Baihu's arms and into the hot spring.

The moment she entered the hot spring, Mu Xi's clothes also disappeared.

However, Mu Xi had never swum before, and the warm water was relatively deep. Immediately, Mu Xi struggled in the water. Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand, lifted Mu Xi's leg, and fished him out.

Mu Xi hung upside down in mid-air, breathed a sigh of relief, and then laughed happily.

Di Yuanmo put Mu Xi in a shallow place and let Mu Xi play by himself.

Qinglong and Baihu have also entered the hot spring, and you can tell from their expressions that they are very comfortable.

"Where's Zi'er?" Di Yuanmo was quiet for a while, then suddenly spoke.

"She said, look around to see if there are any better seeds. She won't go far. We'll go find her in a while." Baihu said softly, Di Yuanmo nodded and closed his eyes.

After a while, Di Yuanmo suddenly opened his eyes again, sat up from the water, and looked at Qinglong and Baihu. They were frightened by Di Yuanmo's sudden movement, and all looked at him.

"No one is with her, are you sure she won't get lost?" Di Yuanmo was a little worried and asked cautiously.

Qinglong and Baihu looked at each other, Qinglong was stunned for a moment, Baihu looked at them puzzled, completely unaware of what was going on!

"What's the matter with you? Zimeng is nearby, so you shouldn't get lost?" Baihu asked helplessly.

"No, she will definitely get lost, let alone, she has never been here before, even if she has been to a place once, she will still get lost."

Said, Qinglong looked at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo had already got up and put on his clothes, Qinglong and Baihu also walked out.

Mu Xi, who was still having fun in the water, saw that Qinglong and the others were about to leave, so he quickly ran after him with his short legs.

When Di Yuanmo and the others were looking for Zimeng, Zimeng was looking for seeds everywhere, and because of the contract with Zimeng, Qinglong and Baihu took Diyuanmo to find Zimeng quickly.

Seeing Zimeng happily picking seeds, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but Zimeng was so happy that she didn't notice the three people who appeared behind her.

"Master, master..." No words were spoken, everyone was enjoying the quiet atmosphere, but Mu Xi, who was drowsy in Baihu's arms, opened his eyes and shouted directly when he saw Zi Meng.

Zimeng turned her head and looked at the three handsome men standing behind her, she raised the corners of her mouth.

"Why did you come here so soon?" Zimeng looked at them with a smile.

"I'm afraid you'll lose it." Qinglong glanced at her angrily, and Zimeng smiled embarrassedly. It's not intentional to get lost or something.

The world here is completely different from hers, okay? There are forests everywhere, and there is no obvious reference.

(End of this chapter)

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