Chapter 613 Will be stoned to death
Di Yuanmo really wanted to go forward to help, but the whirlpool around him made it impossible for him to get close.

The little guy who was still eating, at this moment, couldn't care less about eating, and his whole body floated up.

"Hmm~" The little guy struggled a few times in the air, turned his head, and looked at Di Yuanmo. Seeing that it was going to be sucked away by the vortex around Zi Meng, Di Yuanmo hurriedly reached out and grabbed it.

The icy chill rushed into Di Yuanmo's body, Di Yuanmo didn't let it go, but just frowned at Zi Meng.

However, the vortex surrounding Zi Meng became more and more intense, and the ice on her body became thicker and thicker, so thick that it was almost impossible to see Zi Meng's face clearly inside.

Di Yuanmo looked at this scene, his hands were filled with spiritual power, ready to break up the vortex in front of him at any time.

The little thing that was held in Di Yuanmo's arms blinked involuntarily when he saw Zimeng in the cold ice, not knowing what he was thinking.

Before Di Yuanmo made a move, the little guy suddenly broke free from Di Yuanmo and flew towards Zimeng. Moreover, its body shone brightly under Di Yuanmo's wide-open eyes.

The light gradually shrank, and Di Yuanmo could no longer see the figure of the little guy. When the light disappeared, what appeared in front of Di Yuanmo was no longer the greedy little guy, but a stone that was not the size of a finger cover.

In just an instant, Di Yuanmo felt the chill coming to his face, and Di Yuanmo looked at it in surprise.

The little stone was crystal clear, and after circling in the air, it rushed towards Zimeng.

Neither the whirlpool nor the ice could stop it, it rushed directly into Zi Meng's eyebrows.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng nervously. The vortex around Zimeng gradually slowed down, became smaller, and then gradually disappeared. The thick layer of ice on her body also disappeared.

When Zi Meng appeared in front of Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, walked up to Zi Meng's side a few steps, and looked at Zi Meng.

She still closed her eyes tightly, absorbing the spiritual power in the air, but the speed was much slower than before, and there was no ice or vortex.

However, after the little guy disappeared, the temperature here seemed to have risen a lot, and it was obviously not as cold as before.

The sound of "tick" water droplets made Di Yuanmo divert his gaze from Zi Meng, and he turned his head to look at the ice that he couldn't get close to before.

The ice started to melt slowly, what's going on?Could it be that the ice here is maintained by the little guy who stole their food?
More and more water melted from the ice, but that water seemed to be deliberately avoiding Zimeng.

As time passed day by day, the ice was shrinking, and the surrounding ground had become extremely muddy. However, Zi Meng's surroundings were still as dry as usual, without any change.

Di Yuanmo was sitting beside Zi Meng practicing, and Zi Meng didn't seem to notice the changes around him.

In the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars, Qinglong and the others stood there, looking at the icicles that kept falling from the sky. Above their heads, there was an enchantment set up by the white tiger, so the icicles did not hit them directly.

"This deity thinks that if we continue to stay here, we will definitely be crushed to death. It was snowing before, but now it's icicles. According to this deity, it won't be long before the iceberg falls, right?"

Qinglong looked at the icicles falling from the sky, and opened his mouth helplessly. Baihu and Lucky looked up at the sea of ​​stars that hadn't been calm recently.

(End of this chapter)

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