Chapter 614 She Wants to Get Stronger
If it weren't for their fate, I'm afraid they would have been seriously injured.

Moreover, they have already thought about it. After Zimeng wakes up, they must settle accounts with Zimeng and have a good chat with Zimeng.

However, it's been a long time, and Zimeng hasn't woken up yet, are you sure you're okay?

Zimeng's cultivation has been continuing, but she doesn't know that the Liuli Sect has been severely damaged at this time, and even members of the Shura Sect and Yuantian Sect have already arrived.

Di Yuanmo, who was practicing, opened his eyes suddenly, and turned his head to look at Zimeng. On Zimeng's body, silver-white light kept flickering.

He hurriedly got up and stood a little further away from Zimeng. The ice pick centered on Zimeng and stabbed outwards crazily. Di Yuanmo's figure hurriedly moved back.

The icicle stopped where he had just stood, and the sharp tip of the awl gleamed with a cold killing intent.

Di Yuanmo exhaled lightly. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, otherwise, he would have been strung together by Zi Meng's ice pick.

Zimeng, who had been in a state of cultivation, slowly opened her eyes, and Di Yuanmo looked at her in surprise.

For so many days, every time Di Yuanmo opened his eyes, Zi Meng was still practicing, and he didn't say a few words to Zi Meng at all.

Now that Zimeng finally woke up, how could Di Yuanmo not be excited.

"Zi'er!" Hearing Di Yuanmo's voice, Zi Meng hurriedly turned her head, but when she saw the ice cones extending outward around her, and the cold ice that disappeared in front of her, she froze slightly.

"What's the situation?" Zi Meng pointed around and looked at Di Yuanmo.

"Your masterpiece." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng who opened his eyes wide-eyed amusedly.

"My masterpiece? No way? How could this happen?" Zi Meng scratched her head and looked around, as if something was missing.

"Where's that piece of ice and that gluttonous little guy here?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo who had come to her and held her in his arms.

"That little guy should be part of the ice, which has been absorbed by you. Without that little guy, the ice would gradually melt."

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng helplessly, Zimeng blinked, was she absorbed?How can it be?Why is she not impressed?
Moreover, how could such a cute little guy be absorbed by her?
"Really?" Zimeng was stunned for a while, then turned to look at Di Yuanmo.

"Well, it was when you were in danger. It seemed that your condition was not good, so it rushed towards you by itself." Di Yuanmo looked at the self-blame in Zimeng's eyes, and gently stroked her face.

Zimeng lowered her head and stopped talking, because she really didn't know what to say!The little guy disappeared because of her.

"It's okay, maybe this is its fate." Di Yuanmo pulled Zimeng into his arms and said softly.

Zimeng snuggled into Di Yuanmo's arms, tears welling in her eyes, but she couldn't hold back her tears from falling down.

Seeing her wanting to cry but holding back, Di Yuanmo was very distressed. Zimeng is like this now, it's better to just cry out.

"Zi'er, I know you're feeling bad, just cry if you want to." Di Yuanmo's voice rang softly in Zi Meng's ear, Zi Meng didn't speak, but hugged Di Yuanmo's waist tightly.

She wants to cry very much now, but she has to endure it and never let herself cry. In the future, no matter what happens, she will not cry.

She wants to become stronger and stronger, and she must never let anyone sacrifice for her.

(End of this chapter)

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