Chapter 628 Treat them well
"Beili Zimeng, don't be self-righteous, even if you have this jade card, you are not qualified to be the head of our Liuli Sect!"

When the old protector saw that the disciples of the Liuli Sect had started whispering, an uncontrollable burst of anger broke out!
She reached out and pointed at Zimeng. Zimeng ignored her and turned to look at the people outside the gate who were staring at her.

Because the old protector suddenly called out her name, they all knew that the little girl in front of them was the one who possessed the four great beasts, and they all started to covet her.

The corner of Zimeng's mouth curled up into a faint smile, this old law protector had a bit of a brain and knew how to kill with a knife!However, Zimeng has decided that before that, she wants to get rid of this old guardian!

However, before Zimeng could make a move, Di Yuanmo moved first. The old guardian looked in horror at Di Yuanmo who made the sudden attack, and his body fell limply!

"I can do it myself." Zi Meng turned her head and looked at Di Yuanmo helplessly.

Di Yuanmo made a move before her to help her, but is it really all right for so many people to see Xue Xiangguo, who was originally sitting in a wheelchair, but now stands here?

"I know you can, but for this kind of person, there's no need to give her so much time to talk, just solve it directly."

Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand with a smile, and gently rubbed Zimeng's head. Those disciples of the Liuli Sect, seeing Di Yuanmo's so chic and perfect appearance, couldn't help but have peach blossom eyes.

"How to deal with these people?" Both Baihu and Qinglong looked at Zimeng, waiting for Zimeng's order, as long as Zimeng gave the order, they would kill them!
Zimeng is their master, so they can't be bullied casually!Otherwise, where will they save their face in the future?
"Let them hand over the things they want to compensate first. It is not a good thing that the Liuli faction has been destroyed like this. If you want to rebuild it, you must have funds!"

Zimeng looked at the ruined and disfigured Liuli School, her voice was a bit cold.

"It's not easy to make compensation, just kill them all, and then just take away their storage space, isn't it?"

Zimeng shook her head helplessly with Qinglong's indifferent look. Although it was true to say so, but speaking so brightly and truly would make people prepare, okay?

Those people outside heard Qinglong's words, but they were all very angry. They never thought that Zimeng and the others planned to kill someone and then rob things!

"Although it's not good to say it directly, I think it's a good idea." Zi Meng looked at a group of angry people.

"I said, Zimeng, don't deliberately provoke them with Master Qinglong!" Ling Siyun tugged on La Zimeng's sleeve, and Zimeng smiled faintly.

"Enrage them? Si Yun, you are wrong, I did not provoke them, but now, my own anger has almost no place to vent it!
I said a long time ago that although I don't like to cause trouble, I am indeed not a good person. Since they have already come to my door, how can I not treat them well? "

Zimeng turned her head and smiled at Ling Siyun. Ling Siyun looked at the smile on Zimeng's face and always felt that the scene after that would be something she would never forget in her life!
"Little girl, don't talk big here, even Xing Yage is not our opponent, what do you think you can do to us?"

(End of this chapter)

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