Chapter 629 Four Great Beasts
Zimeng's words made those troublemakers all show angry expressions.

Moreover, Di Yuanmo's act of directly killing the old guardian of the Liuli Sect also made the disciples of the Liuli Sect panic.

"It's because she disdains to fight with you, but since she is no longer here, as her apprentice, I naturally want to avenge her.

I will give you a chance to keep the whole body. Those who have fought with my master should stand up, otherwise, don't blame me for being merciless. "

Zimeng looked at the group of people in front of him indifferently, but maybe they saw that Zimeng was just a little girl, they were not afraid of Zimeng, the only thing that made them feel threatened was Di Yuanmo, right?
"Looking at your disdainful expressions, it seems that you all think that I'm joking, don't you?" Zi Meng looked at them all indifferently, and, still full of disdain, raised a bright smile.

It's just that the smile doesn't reach the bottom of the eyes!

"Zi'er, I will leave this matter to you to settle!" Di Yuanmo stood beside Zi Meng and spoke softly, Zi Meng looked at him and nodded.

Smart as Zimeng, how could she not know Di Yuanmo's plan?
Di Yuanmo asked her to solve this matter by herself in order to let Zimeng increase her prestige among the Liuli Sect. Otherwise, when Zimeng took over the Liuli Sect, no one would be convinced, and that would be absolutely unfavorable to Zimeng. .

"Zimeng, we'll be with you!" Di Yuanmo didn't make a move, which doesn't mean that Ling Siyun and the others didn't make a move either, so after Di Yuanmo stepped back, Ling Siyun and the others surrounded her.

Naturally, Ling Siyun and the others wanted to come forward to help, and many people were unwilling to help Zimeng, because many people felt that Zimeng was not worthy of being the head of the Liuli School.

Some people feel unworthy, naturally, there are also people who stand behind Zimeng with Ling Siyun and the others.

"Siyun, you are a pharmacist, the most important thing now is to heal the injured disciples of the Liuli Sect, or, stand aside and watch, I want all of you to prove with your own eyes that I am qualified to become the head of the Liuli Sect!"

Zi Meng didn't look at Ling Siyun, and her light words made Ling Siyun and Dugu Mingxue retreat to the side, and at the same time, told everyone else to leave here and stand in a safe place.

After Zimeng confirmed that they were all safe, she took a deep breath.

"Start to enjoy your last life!" Zi Meng lowered her head, spoke lightly, and walked forward slowly.

As she walked, the green dragon and the white tiger rose into the air, and instantly returned to their original shapes. The green dragon and the white tiger stopped in the air, and Zimeng kept walking. At the same time, she exuded a strong murderous aura!
Qinglong and Baihu also rushed towards the crowd, and for a moment, many people were stunned there, because too many people had never seen the four great beasts.

In front of them, two divine beasts appeared at once. Their moods were naturally nervous and excited, and at the same time, their eyes were full of greed.

Of course, there are also some clear-headed people who are ready to leave the moment they see Qinglong and Baihu.

Just looking at their forms, everyone should know that they are no match for Zimeng and the four great beasts.

However, just as they left, before they went far, their bodies flew back from a distance and landed at Zimeng's feet.

Zimeng looked up, and it turned out to be Xuanwu. When Qinglong and Baihu started killing, Xuanwu had already arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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