Chapter 682 too ferocious
"Please help me take care of her." Di Yuanmo waved his hand, and a delicate soft couch appeared on the ground. He carefully placed Zimeng on the soft couch, lightly smoothed Zimeng's hair, and got up.

"Zimeng needs the blood grass on the edge of the cliff." Fu Zijin said when Di Yuanmo turned around, Di Yuanmo didn't say anything, and then jumped down the cliff.

Fu Zijin walked to Zimeng's side and checked Zimeng. At the same time, he also discovered the problem of toxins on Zimeng's body, but he didn't say anything.

Step aside, as if nothing was found.

Mo Qiqi and the others didn't know what Di Yuanmo was doing down there, but soon, there was a loud rumbling noise from below, and at the same time, thick smoke rose.

The corner of Fu Zijin's mouth twitched uncontrollably. As a national teacher, Di Yuanmo's desire for revenge is too strong, right?
Mo Qiqi also opened her mouth wide, and at the same time, she made up her mind that in the future, as long as Di Yuanmo was around, she would never bully Zimeng.

Otherwise, you will definitely die without a whole body!
"It's so cruel!" Mo Qiqi looked at the cliff that was constantly emitting thick smoke, and swallowed.

Suddenly, a black object was thrown at their feet, scaring Mo Qiqi to back away hurriedly.

Fu Zijin lowered his head and looked at a black mass on the ground, with a head as big as a fist, surrounded by tentacles. It seemed that this guy was the creature who had just taken Zi Meng away.

It's just that it's really pitiful to be killed by Di Yuanmo like this!

Di Yuanmo flew up from under the cliff gracefully, and after handing a bright red grass in his hand to Fu Zijin, he walked to Zimeng's side.

Zi Meng's complexion has improved a lot, Di Yuanmo looked at the mucus on Zi Meng's clothes, and sighed helplessly.

It's just that I haven't seen it for a few days, and Zimeng hurt herself. Although Zimeng can't be blamed for this, Di Yuanmo feels distressed!
He took out the water and Jinpa, and gently wiped the stains on Zimeng's face.

"It's really too cruel!" Looking at the dark mass, Mo Qiqi sighed again.

Anyway, looking at Mo Qiqi helplessly, no matter how you look at it, Di Yuanmo isn't cruel, is he?
He was just angry when he saw that Zimeng was injured.

"What is this? Why are there so many legs?" After confirming that the lump of black charcoal in front of him was dead, Mo Qiqi squatted down and looked at the densely packed legs.

"I don't know, but I can see that it must be something that attacked us before." Fu Zijin shook his head.

"How is it possible? That thing is huge and terrifying, okay? It's so small, how could it be it?"

Mo Qiqi looked at Fu Zijin in disbelief. Fu Zijin shrugged. He didn't know how to explain it, but he was sure that it must be the one who attacked them!
"Why are you here?" Zi Meng woke up and saw Di Yuanmo, a little surprised, she was very suspicious, how did Di Yuanmo find him?
Although, she knew that Ling Siyun and the others would definitely tell Di Yuanmo about her going out, but Ling Siyun and the others didn't know where Zimeng was going?

Why can Di Yuanmo find it so accurately?

"I knew you were out, so I came here. Why are you hurt again when I'm not here?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng with some complaints, and Zimeng blinked.

She hasn't asked Di Yuanmo if he is doing well?Did Di Yuanmo start talking about her?

Moreover, in this matter, she is also innocent, okay?It's not that she wants to get hurt.

(End of this chapter)

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