Chapter 683

"How do you know I'm here?" Zi Meng looked into Di Yuanmo's eyes, looking at him seriously.

"Because I was thinking of you, so I found it." Di Yuanmo said evasively, and Zi Meng rolled his eyes. What kind of answer is this?

Looking at Zimeng's disbelieving eyes, Di Yuanmo just smiled and didn't explain anything.

"How is it? Is there anything uncomfortable?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, Zimeng shook her head, now, there is nothing uncomfortable.

However, she remembered that when she was grabbed by the tentacles, she seemed to be poisoned, but now, she didn't feel that there was toxin in her body.

"Zimeng, are you alright?" Mo Qiqi approached Zimeng and spoke cautiously.

"It's okay, the tentacles of that thing are poisonous. I didn't pay attention at the time, and by the time I realized it, it was already too late." Zi Meng looked at Mo Qiqi innocently, and Mo Qiqi rolled his eyes.

However, she still looked at Zimeng very gratefully, if Zimeng hadn't pushed her away, she would have been taken away.

At that time, whether it is dead or alive, I don't know.

"Well, thank you, Zimeng, if you hadn't pushed me away, I might have..."

"Okay, okay, I brought you out, how could I just watch you have an accident?" Zi Meng smiled at Mo Qiqi, but Mo Qiqi hesitated to speak.

Actually, it shouldn't be said that Zimeng brought her out, but she followed her with a stern look, right?

In the end, not only did she not help, but almost killed Zimeng.

"This is for you." Fu Zijin handed the blood grass to Zi Meng, and Zi Meng held the blood grass and looked at the leaves of the blood grass.

Those leaves seemed to have blood flowing, and they were very bright red, but apart from these, there seemed to be nothing special about them.

If she didn't know that it was a blood grass, Zi Meng wouldn't pick it if it was still in the grass.

"This is the blood grass?" Zi Meng looked the blood grass up and down.

"You came here just for this thing?" Di Yuanmo looked at the blood grass in Zi Meng's hand, and asked in puzzlement, Zi Meng nodded weakly.

If it wasn't for this, she probably wouldn't come out for the time being, right?
However, Zimeng was still very curious about how Di Yuanmo got here.

Even if Di Yuanmo can find her no matter where she goes, but this speed is a bit too fast, right?
"Okay, don't look at me anymore, you just woke up, are you taking a rest?" Di Yuanmo raised his hand and gently covered Zi Meng's face, preventing Zi Meng from looking at him any longer.

Zimeng sighed helplessly, it was like this every time, as long as Di Yuanmo kept something from her, no matter how she asked, Di Yuanmo would not say anything.

So, Zi Meng really closed her eyes, and didn't ask any more questions. Seeing that Zi Meng had really fallen asleep, Di Yuanmo breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and turned to look at Fu Zijin and Mo Qiqi.

"My lord!" Fu Zijin looked at Di Yuanmo and saluted him.

"Zi'er, please take care of me during this time." Di Yuanmo didn't put on airs as a national teacher here, but just smiled and looked at them.

"She didn't cause us any trouble, and I learned a lot from being with her." Fu Zijin looked at Zi Meng who was sleeping soundly.

What he said was the truth, Fu Zijin had never seen many things in Zi Meng's meeting, not only had he never seen them, but he had never even heard of them.
(End of this chapter)

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