Chapter 703 Emperor Yuanmo Comes

Before Zi Meng left, she prepared the things she wanted to prepare. After Ling Siyun knew Zi Meng's plan, she didn't stop her. Instead, she thoughtfully prepared a lot of food for Zi Meng and Lucky.

"Siyun, I'll leave these things to you. When I'm not around, you take care of this matter." Zimeng handed the dye she prepared to Ling Siyun, who looked at the things Zimeng gave her in puzzlement.

"Master, what is this?" Ling Siyun looked at Zi Meng, and then lowered her head to look at the pile of things that Zi Meng had just handed over to her.

"During this period of time, I thought about it. The Liuli Sect has never had a unique logo. At that time, it would be bad if we encountered people who pretended to damage our reputation.

So, I prepared this. During the time I was away, you asked people to leave this pattern on every disciple. "

Zi Meng and Ling Siyun explained it well, Ling Siyun nodded, and looked at Zi Meng with a smile on her face, Zi Meng has now sincerely started to think about Liuli School.

"I won't let you down." Ling Siyun smiled at Zimeng, this was arranged by Zimeng, and she will definitely do well.

After arranging everything, Zimeng left alone, but before leaving, she did not forget to leave a letter for Di Yuanmo, hoping that Di Yuanmo would not be angry!
Zimeng walked forward according to the location of the Ice and Snow Clan marked on the map, Lucky lay on her shoulder, looking around.

"Master, are we really going to the Ice and Snow Clan? Is there a lot of snow there?" Lucky turned to look at Zi Meng, Zi Meng smiled.

"I don't know if there is snow, but what I want to know is if there are any magical beasts that eat mice. If you are not careful, what will you do if you are eaten?"

Zimeng turned her head to look at Lucky with a smile, scared Lucky into Zimeng's hair, looked at Zimeng Lucky's frightened panic, and immediately smiled happily.

With such a lucky pistachio, you will definitely not be alone along the way.

"Master, you are too bad, you always scare me." Lucky tugged at Zi Meng's hair, very dissatisfied, Zi Meng's mouth twitched into a smile.

Looking at Zimeng's smile, the dissatisfaction of luck gradually disappeared.

Zi Meng's footsteps have been speeding up all the time, she is really worried about the situation of Li Yuange.

If something happened to Li Yuange, then she would really feel sorry for Xing Yage.

"Zi'er!" The familiar voice made Zi Meng stop abruptly. She thought it was her own illusion, and turned around, only to see a familiar figure.

She opened her mouth in surprise, and looked at Di Yuanmo who suddenly appeared.

She didn't know why Di Yuanmo was here, but she always thought it was incredible!
"Mo, why are you here?" Zi Meng blinked and looked at Di Yuanmo.

"I know you are going to the Ice and Snow Clan, so I decided to go with you." Di Yuanmo walked up to Zimeng, looked down at her with a smile.

"But, if you leave, what will happen to the National Teacher's Mansion?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo helplessly, and Di Yuanmo patted her head with a smile.

"Don't worry, with Jun Mojiu here, no one will doubt it." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng in a good mood, and Zi Meng rolled his eyes.

She always felt that when she saw Jun Mojiu in the future, Jun Mojiu would definitely cry!

However, she doesn't care about these now, because Di Yuanmo will accompany her for the next journey, as long as this is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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