Chapter 704 The Indifferent Person
"Let's go, there is still a long way to go to the Ice and Snow Clan. Let's go directly through the space." Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand and put his arms around Zi Meng's waist. Moe walked in.

Lucky, who was ignored by Di Yuanmo, hugged Zimeng's hair tightly, for fear of being left behind. In the space, Di Yuanmo tightly hugged Zimeng, who was a little uncomfortable because of the space teleportation.

When Zimeng and the others walked out of the space, Zimeng felt the cold air blowing towards her face, and she saw a vast expanse of whiteness, Zimeng looked at the scene in front of her in surprise.

Before, she hadn't seen such a scene for a long time, except for seeing it in another space of Zangshuge.

"Is this the Ice and Snow Race?" Zi Meng murmured, Di Yuanmo had already put a thick cloak on Zi Meng.

"This is the Ice and Snow Clan, it's very cold, be careful, don't get frostbite." Di Yuanmo said softly, Zi Meng nodded, and tightened the cloak on her body.

Zimeng looked at the surrounding environment again. Everything here was nothing but white, and it was still white, and she couldn't see any other colors.

Zimeng has some doubts, do people from the Ice and Snow Clan live in such a place with no other colors?Can't see other colors, it's really pitiful!

And, more importantly, it's really cold here!
"Let's go!" Di Yuanmo put his arms around Zimeng's waist, and walked forward cautiously. He rarely came from the Ice and Snow Race, and he didn't know what danger was here.

"Stop, who are you?" Just after they walked a short distance, two people in white suddenly appeared in front of them.

Not only is she dressed in white, but it is also furry, which reminds Zimeng of the clothes of those people in the snowy field that she has seen on TV.

"Well, don't get excited, we are not bad people, we are just here to find someone."

Seeing that they had raised the weapons in their hands, Zimeng hurriedly explained.

However, those people made it clear that they didn't believe Zimeng's words, so they looked at them more vigilantly.

Zimeng opened her mouth, but she didn't know how to explain to these people, so she turned to look at Di Yuanmo.

Di Yuanmo patted her on the head lightly, and looked at the two vigilant people.

He has been to the Ice and Snow Clan before, but he has never seen them be so strict. Something must have happened.

"I've been to the Ice and Snow Clan before, you won't be so vigilant, what happened?" Di Yuanmo's voice was unusually cold, and the two looked at each other. They didn't know Di Yuanmo, but since Di Yuanmo said He's been here, so they're going to ask about it.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a report." One of them ran out directly, while Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo waited quietly and looked at each other.

"Ice and Snow Clan, is something wrong?" Zi Meng turned her head and looked at the person who was looking at them vigilantly.

He looked at Zimeng, but didn't answer anything, the vigilance on his face was self-evident.

Zi Meng pursed her lips, and nestled in Di Yuanmo's arms a little aggrieved, and Di Yuanmo gently rubbed her head.

"These people are so indifferent, aren't they?" Zi Meng looked up at Di Yuanmo, who looked at her aggrieved with amused expression.

"Please come in, both of you." After the person who went to report came back, he let Zi Meng and the others go in. Zi Meng blinked in confusion, what was going on so easily?
(End of this chapter)

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