Chapter 724

Bing Yiyun raised her hand, ready to attack, but just as she was about to attack, Zi Meng in the cold ice suddenly opened her eyes.

"If you dare to touch us today, I will let your entire Ice and Snow Clan be buried with you!" Zimeng didn't speak, but her voice did come out.

Di Yuanmo's eyes also opened at this moment, his body moved, and the ice shattered from their bodies. Seeing this scene, Bing Yiyun made up his mind to kill Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng.

However, after that, no matter how much she wanted to move, she couldn't move.

After the ice on Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng's bodies shattered, Zi Meng closed his eyes again. Di Yuanmo cleaned up the ice particles on the soft couch, and laid Zi Meng down gently.

"Just because of you, you still want to kill us?" Afterwards, Di Yuanmo got up, and placed a soundproof barrier beside Zimeng, turned around, and looked at Bing Yiyun.

"That's right, I want to kill you!" Bing Yiyun no longer showed love for Di Yuanmo at this time, but looked at him calmly.

"We've known each other longer than her. Why, why do you only have her in your eyes? How can I be inferior to her?" Bing Yiyun looked at Di Yuanmo angrily, and at the same time, looked at Zi Meng with murderous aura.

Zimeng on the soft couch slept deeply because of the enchantment under Diyuan Mobu, but what about her?

But here she is motionless, waiting for Di Yuanmo to kill her!
"Because her heart is hot, and yours is cold and black. How many people have you harmed for your current position? Think about it for yourself, she will never hurt others for her own selfish desires .

This is the difference between you and her, even if she doesn't like me that much, I will wait for her until she likes me. "

There was no expression in Di Yuanmo's eyes, he looked at Bing Yiyun coldly, and slowly said these words that he had never said before.

These words also made Bing Yiyun's gaze solemn for a moment.

For this position, she hurt not just one person, but in this world, no matter who it is, it is impossible not to think of oneself!

"Master, why are you still talking nonsense with her? Just kill her. I feel disgusted if I say a few more words to this kind of woman."

Qilin came in from the outside with Mu Xi in his hand. In Mu Xi's arms, he was holding a bunch of large and small ten thousand year ice lotus.

Hearing Qilin's disgusting tone, Bing Yiyun was furious, but couldn't move.

"You do it, I'm afraid I'll get my hands dirty!" Di Yuanmo said lightly, then turned around, walked to Zimeng's side, sat down, his eyes were not as cold as before, but full of tenderness.

"Aren't you willing to even kill me yourself?" Bing Yiyun looked at Di Yuanmo sadly.

This result was really something she didn't expect.

"You don't deserve it!" Di Yuanmo's voice was flat, without any emotional fluctuations, but it was like a boulder smashing into Bing Yiyun's heart.

"Hahaha! I'm not worthy! Haha!" Bing Yiyun laughed crazily, and her ice aura immediately dispersed.

Mu Xi, who was held by Qilin, suddenly looked up at her, "Baby, she has a baby!"

Mu Xi anxiously struggled in Qilin's hand, wanting to rush to Bing Yiyun's side and snatch the treasure from Bing Yiyun's body, but if Qilin didn't let go, he couldn't break free either!
"Let go of me, I want a baby, the master will definitely like it, let me go quickly! Let me go, or it will be too late!"

(End of this chapter)

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