Chapter 725 Violent and bloody

Mu Xi kept struggling in Qilin's hand, but he couldn't break free. In the end, he struggled so hard that Qilin let go of his hand.

Mu Xi fell to the ground, rolled, and ran to Bing Yiyun's side in a hurry, as if there was something critical to his life.

Di Yuanmo pulled the barrier around Zi Meng, Zi Meng opened his eyes, and smiled at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo ignored Mu Xi's movements, and looked down at Zi Meng.

"Zi'er, are you still cold?" Di Yuanmo reached out and grabbed Zi Meng's little hand, Zi Meng nodded.

However, even though it was very cold, she was able to bear it, as if the flesh and blood on her body were fused with the ice.

"It's okay, what's the situation? What is Mu Xi doing?" Zi Meng turned her head and saw Mu Xi hanging on Bing Yiyun's body, and Bing Yiyun was standing there motionless, it was really weird !

"Master, master, you are awake, wait for Mu Xi to find you a treasure." Mu Xi, who was hanging on Bing Yiyun, turned her head and looked at Zi Meng with a smile. Di Yuanmo helped Zi Meng up and leaned against her in his arms.

Just by touching, Di Yuanmo could feel the cold air coming from Zi Meng's body, which was even worse than the cold air on Yu Tingxi's body.

He frowned slightly, and looked down at Zimeng's face, except for a little paleness, there seemed to be nothing wrong.

"Zi'er, is your body really alright?" Di Yuanmo asked Zi Meng softly.

"It's just a little cold, but there doesn't seem to be any discomfort in my body, and the poison I was given by Bing Yiyun before seems to have been cured."

Zi Meng smiled at Di Yuanmo, but Di Yuanmo was still very worried. He held Zi Meng's hand tightly, trying to warm Zi Meng's hand.

At Bing Yiyun's place, although You Muxi was making trouble, she could only stand there motionless, watching Di Yuanmo's care for Zimeng, something she wanted but could never get. Resignedly, he closed his eyes.

Zimeng looked at her and didn't speak, but the way she looked at Bing Yiyun seemed to be looking at a dead person.

"Master, master, the treasure was swallowed by her, what should I do if I can't get it out?" Mu Xi tossed and tossed for a while, but couldn't come up with any results, and ran to Zimeng's side aggrieved, looking at Zimeng pitifully .

"However, Mu Xi, can you tell me, what are you looking for?" Zi Meng looked at Mu Xi puzzled, Mu Xi blinked, but didn't know how to explain to Zi Meng.

"Master, it's baby!"

"I know it's a baby. You've been calling for a long time. What I want to know is what kind of baby you're looking for!" Zi Meng looked at Mu Xi helplessly, and Mu Xi continued to blink, but didn't answer Zi Meng's words. .

He knew there was a baby, but he didn't know what a baby was!
"Whether it's true or not, I'm going to kill her anyway. For a while, let's put aside her stomach and have a look, isn't it all right?" Qilin was on the side and spoke lightly, Zi Meng looked at Qilin with some horror .

"Qilin, I didn't expect you to be so violent and bloody?" Zi Meng looked at Qilin with a slight smile.

"I learned all this from the master, and I'm very restrained now, okay?" Qilin looked at Zimeng with a faint smile on his face.

Learned from Di Yuanmo?

Zimeng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, but Di Yuanmo didn't refute, but just looked at Qilin with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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