Chapter 726 This is mine
However, Qilin at this time is not afraid of Di Yuanmo at all, because with Zimeng around, Di Yuanmo will never do anything to him!
"Is that so? I didn't expect you to be very violent in the past? Tell me about your past? I'm curious."

Zi Meng turned her head and looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile. Di Yuanmo withdrew his gaze from Qilin and looked at Zi Meng helplessly.

"Zi'er, when did you learn to gossip like this?" Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand, and gently squeezed Zi Meng's small face, Zi Meng looked at him with a smile.

She's always been a gossip, okay?Just found out, isn't it a bit late?

Di Yuanmo raised his head, his gentle gaze disappeared, and he looked at Bing Yiyun icily.

"Although, I seldom kill now, but if someone harms you, I don't mind doing it myself." Di Yuanmo's words and gaze caused Bing Yiyun to fall into the ice cave completely.

However, Qilin wouldn't talk to her that much, and just looked at her with cold eyes.

"Sorry, don't blame me after you die, I'm just following orders!" Qilin struck mercilessly, the yellow spiritual power hit Bing Yiyun's body, and directly sent Bing Yiyun flying.

Bing Yiyun's body hit the mountain wall, and immediately vomited blood, but he did not die. Without the restraint of Di Yuanmo's space magic, Bing Yiyun immediately wanted to escape.

However, before she could struggle, Qilin's figure had already appeared in front of her.

Zimeng wanted to see how Qilin was an adult, but Di Yuanmo didn't let her move!Zi Meng could only nestle in Di Yuanmo's arms, drowsy.

And her body temperature has never risen!

"Master, are you okay?" Mu Xi looked at Zi Meng carefully, and Zi Meng looked down at him.

"I'm fine, Mu Xi, what are you doing? Hugging so many flowers?" Zi Meng looked at the flowers that were about to bury Mu Xi with a funny face.

"Master, these are thousand-year-old ice lotuses. Before, there was a ten-thousand-year ice lotus, but they were all fed to you by adults."

Mu Xi put all the thousand-year-old ice lotus in her arms on the ground, and then handed over to Zi Meng the ugly ten-thousand-year snow lotus that was spoiled by Di Yuanmo.

Zi Meng looked at the ten thousand year ice lotus, and after taking it, she turned her head to look at Di Yuanmo, who was looking down at her.A smile curled up at the corner of her mouth.

Green light radiated from Zimeng's hand, mixed with some white aura, pouring into the Wannian Ice Lotus. The Wannian Ice Lotus with only a few petals left slowly recovered the rest of the ice lotus. petals.

Looking at this scene, Mu Xi's eyes lit up with excitement, and he almost jumped up.

"Master, give me, give me." Mu Xi excitedly wanted to snatch the Wannian Ice Lotus from Zi Meng's hands.

However, Zi Meng stopped him.

"Mu Xi, those belong to you, I can't give you this one, if you want Wannian snow lotus, I can help you." Zi Meng looked at Mu Xi with a smile, and Mu Xi blinked.

There was still a smile on Zimeng's face, but what was going on in her heart, I'm afraid only Di Yuanmo knew.

This ten thousand year ice lotus was given to Zimeng by Diyuan Mocai, how could she just give it to someone else?

"Do you like it?" Di Yuan Mo asked Zi Meng softly, Zi Meng nodded and looked at the Wannian Ice Lotus in her hand.

Although, this is the ten thousand year ice lotus, which is used for medicinal purposes, but this is the first flower that Di Yuanmo gave her, she will cherish it even if she dares not do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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