Chapter 741 Very Peaceful

Zi Meng looked down at Yu Tingxi who sat up from the ground. Yu Tingxi seemed to know that she had done something wrong, so she lowered her head and sat on the ground, not daring to look at Zi Meng.

"Okay, don't blame yourself so much, get up, I'll wash you up." Zimeng looked at Yutingxi with a smile.

Yu Tingxi stood up from the ground, still with her head down, as if she had done something wrong.

"Tingxi, now, you have to remember what I said. My name is Zimeng, Beili Zimeng, and I am the head of the Liuli Sect. We are now, where we are, the Liuli Sect, and also your future place to live."

Zimeng spoke very gently, Yu Tingxi looked up at Zimeng.

"Glass school?"

"That's right, Liuli faction, so, no matter what, it can't be the same as before, you know? Now, we have to clean up first, and we definitely can't go out like before."

Zi Meng looked at Yu Tingxi, Yu Tingxi looked at Zi Meng's clothes, then at her own clothes, then turned her head and looked at the basin of frozen bath water in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Zimeng smiled and asked someone to prepare hot water. Yu Tingxi looked at the hot water and didn't dare to approach it.

Every time it comes into contact with water, no matter how hot it is, it freezes.

"Tingxi, don't be nervous, relax yourself, it's okay, I believe in you, and you must also believe in yourself.

These forces are your own, don't you find that every time, as long as you are particularly nervous, you will have no way to control these forces?

So, if you want to control this force, the most important thing is your own emotions, you know? "

Zimeng looked at Yutingxi patiently, Yutingxi looked at Zimeng half understanding, then looked at the pot of hot water, took a deep breath, and tried to calm down her mood.

However, it didn't seem to have much effect, Zimeng smiled, walked over, and gently held Yutingxi's hand.

I don't know if it's because she's not afraid of Zimeng, or because of something, but at this moment, Yu Tingxi's mood is very calm.

Therefore, after Zimeng took her hand and put it into the hot water, the water did not freeze.

She looked up at Zimeng with surprise on her face, and Zimeng smiled at her.

"How?" Zi Meng said with a smile.

"It's very comfortable!" Yu Tingxi was quiet for a while, then spoke slowly.

"Then come on?" A wicked smile suddenly appeared on Zimeng's face.

Yu Tingxi's heart trembled suddenly, always feeling that Zi Meng was going to do something bad.

Before Yutingxi could react, Zimeng had already thrown her into the water.

When Yutingxi emerged from the water, her face was full of cuteness, but Zimeng burst out laughing.

"I won't tease you anymore, hurry up and wash it up!" Zimeng was still smiling happily.

Outside the house, Dugu Mingxue and the others were sitting there waiting for Zimeng to come out. They originally thought that Zimeng would be frozen by Yutingxi's ability, but they didn't expect that Zimeng's laughter came from inside.

"I said, are the two of them okay inside?" Mo Yuluo looked at Di Yuanmo worriedly, and Di Yuanmo shook his head.

Inside, Zimeng was helping Yutingxi take a bath, but he couldn't go in, so he really wanted to go in and see what Zimeng was doing, and he was smiling so happily.

"Do you want me to go in and take a look? Could it be that Zimeng was not frozen by her, but instead she was frozen?" Dugu Mingxue got up a little anxiously, looked at the room she just came out of, if she had known, She stayed in it.

(End of this chapter)

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