Chapter 742 Expulsion Order

Now, outside, I don't know what's going on inside!
What if that guy hurt Zimeng?

But, now, they don't seem to be suitable to go in!
"Do you want to go in and have a look?" Dugu Mingxue was quiet for a while, then turned to look at Mo Yuluo.

"I think it's better to forget it. Zimeng smiled so happily and nothing happened. She should be fine?" Mo Yuluo looked at Dugu Mingxue, Dugu Mingxue thought about it, and sat on the side.

Indeed, it should be fine, right?

Because, no matter what, the two guys Zimeng and Yutingxi didn't freeze the house, so they must be fine.

Several people waited anxiously for a long time before the door was slowly opened. A little girl in pink came out of the room. They blinked and looked at her in a daze.

Those gazes made her head drop involuntarily.

"Why are you looking at her like that? Is it strange?" Zi Meng came out from behind her, and saw Mo Yuluo and the others staring at Yu Tingxi in a daze, feeling a little puzzled.

Although, she admits that combing her hair is not her strong point, but she shouldn't be so surprised, right?
"Master, is this really the little beggar you picked up?" Ling Siyun looked at Yu Tingxi in disbelief.

"I've said it all, she's not a little beggar, her name is Yu Tingxi, from now on, she will be a member of our Liuli Sect, can you change her name? Really?"

Zi Meng rolled her eyes, pulled Yu Tingxi and walked over, Yu Tingxi followed her, looking at her profile.

She seems to have heard correctly, Zimeng just said that from now on, she will be a member of the Liuli Sect.

This proves that she will be relied on in the future, doesn't it?
"It's so beautiful!" Mo Yuluo looked at Yu Tingxi with a smile, and there was a touch of pink on Yu Tingxi's face with her head down.

"Indeed, I was taken aback too!" Zimeng looked at Yu Tingxi, Yu Tingxi is really cute, with big eyes and delicate facial features. The only shortcoming is that she is too thin .

However, there is no way to do this. In these years, I'm afraid that she has never had a good meal and was bullied.

"Siyun, take the time, let someone imprint Tingxi, so that you are a real member of our Liuli Sect." Zimeng smiled when she saw the imprint she designed on the back of Ling Siyun's hand.

"Understood, Tingxi, come with me?" Ling Siyun looked at Yu Tingxi, and after Yu Tingxi looked at Zimeng, she followed Ling Siyun and left.

This is also the first time she came here, she left so obediently, before, she had been following Zimeng's side all the time, and she didn't want to go there.

This time, the reason why she left was also because of Zimeng's words. Zimeng said that as long as she got that imprint, she would be a member of the Liuli Sect.

In this way, she is the same as Zimeng.

"I said, you are not going to leave yet? I have already brought them back, so you should go back too? Don't you plan to stay here? Our Liuli Sect is still rebuilding, and they are all women, but there is no There are so many places for you to live."

Zi Meng watched Yu Tingxi and the others walk away before turning her head to look at Mo Yuluo and Li Yuange. After the two of them came to their senses, they couldn't help but twitching their mouths.

Zimeng's words mean that they are in the way here, so are they being ordered to evict them?

And, to put it this way, isn't it a bit too open and aboveboard?Leave them speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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