Chapter 775 The most important one

"Master, you are not mistaken, he is the Great Demon King!" Lucky ran to Zimeng's feet, looked up at Zimeng, Zimeng rolled her eyes.

She is just guessing, she must know that it is the real Zi Yaoye, I am afraid that no one is willing, and no one dares to pretend to be the devil, right?

However, Zimeng really felt that something was wrong with this person!

Zi Meng didn't know that Di Yuanmo had already come to look for her at this time. Feeling Zi Yaoye's breath, Di Yuanmo hurried over, but found that only Zi Meng was sitting there, as if thinking about something.

There was no figure of Zi Yaoye around, but the breath left by Zi Yaoye told Emperor Yuanmo that Zi Yaoye had been here.

Di Yuanmo walked to Zimeng's side, and after making sure that Zimeng was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down gently beside Zimeng.

Zimeng didn't turn her head, didn't speak, just looked at the front quietly, fortunately and obediently sitting beside Zimeng, neither talking nor laughing nor making trouble.

Seeing Di Yuanmo, Lucky didn't say hello, but just looked at Zimeng.

"Zi'er, I'm sorry, I have neglected you these few days because of something on my mind." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng apologetically, and Zi Meng turned to look at him.

"It's okay, as long as you can think about it." Zi Meng looked away and continued to look forward.

Di Yuanmo could hear Zimeng's suppressed emotions from her tone, and for a while, he really didn't know how to explain it to Zimeng.

"To be honest, I'm not a magnanimous person, and I'm very careful, if it's mine, it can only belong to me.

Even people are the same, if it’s mine, then you can only think about me, if you don’t just have me in your heart, then I’ll give you time to think about it.

The person you really care about is me, or the existence you never want to tell me. "

Zimeng didn't turn her head, but spoke lightly. Although her words were reasonable, Di Yuanmo's body trembled.

He looked at Zimeng in disbelief, and then lowered his head. He understood that this matter was his fault and had nothing to do with Zimeng. It was normal for Zimeng to have such a reaction.

If Zi Meng is really indifferent to this matter, then he should be the one who is sad.

Now, although Di Yuanmo knew that Zi Meng cared about him, Zi Meng's attitude made him feel heartbroken.

Zi Meng never looked at Di Yuanmo, but Di Yuanmo sat there by himself for a long time.

In fact, it should be said that Di Yuanmo has already thought it through in the past few days, especially when he saw the letter Zi Meng left him, he understood even more that in his heart, Zi Meng is the most important person. The important one.

And 'she' in Di Yuanmo's heart is just like a relative.

Therefore, it was precisely because of this that he didn't want Zimeng to misunderstand him.

Lucky to see Di Yuanmo's tightly knit brows, and Zi Meng's completely expressionless face, carefully leaving this place where disaster could happen at any time.

"Zi'er..." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng's side face, often without a smile, Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand in distress, and hugged Zi Meng tightly in his arms.

Zimeng was in his arms, slowly closed her eyes, and let him hold her without moving. The two of them enjoyed a moment of silence, neither of them spoke.

After a while, Di Yuanmo let go of her, stretched out his hand, supported Zimeng's face, and turned Zimeng's eyes to him.

(End of this chapter)

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