Chapter 776 I Can't Live Without You

Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo looked directly at her, and with Di Yuanmo's hand controlling her chin, it was impossible for Zi Meng to avoid it.

Since it was impossible to avoid it, Zi Meng chose to look at him. Di Yuanmo's gaze was very serious, without the slightest impurity.

"Zi'er, I know that my previous behavior hurt you, and I will never do it again. In my heart, you are the most important, and no one can replace you.

Before, the reason why I had that reaction was because I never thought that she would still be alive. I thought that one day we would meet, but instead, I would tell her that I had found it, and let me A woman who protects with life.

If you don't want to see her, then I will forget her too, and I will never think about her again.

do you know?Once, I thought that it was impossible for me to have someone who would protect me with my life. It wasn't until you appeared that I realized that it was possible.

It was my fault for ignoring you before, I promise, this is the last time, don't be mad at me, okay? "

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng very seriously, he hoped that Zimeng could understand his sincerity, he didn't want Zimeng to leave him, and what he said was what was in his heart.

Zimeng didn't speak, but just looked at Di Yuanmo quietly, she really didn't expect that Di Yuanmo would say such words, these words, there will be nothing wrong with Yu Zhu and Leng Nan, right?
Seeing that Zimeng didn't move at all, Di Yuanmo became a little anxious.

He looked at Zimeng nervously, he didn't know, if Zimeng didn't forgive him, he would be like this, I'm afraid, he would even have the desire to die, right?
"Zi'er..." Di Yuanmo's expression became more and more lost, just when Di Yuanmo was about to give up, Zi Meng sighed.

"I'm not asking you to forget someone, nor is I asking you to do anything, it's just that I'm stingy about feelings, and I can't bear my man thinking about other women, let alone because other women disturb him." mood, and ignore my existence.”

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, and opened his mouth softly. Di Yuanmo stared blankly at Zi Meng, and then, a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

If Zimeng said that, could he think that Zimeng was jealous because of his previous actions?

Zimeng looked at the smile on Di Yuanmo's mouth, and sighed again, she just said that, why did Di Yuanmo laugh?
"Zi'er, I feel that I can't do without you more and more, what should I do?" Di Yuanmo didn't give Zimeng a chance to speak, and directly hugged Zimeng into his arms.

Zimeng felt that she was going to be strangled to death by Di Yuanmo's strength!

"Let go, you're going to strangle me!" Zi Meng patted Di Yuanmo on the back, Di Yuanmo hurriedly let go of Zi Meng, and Zi Meng gave him a helpless look.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it." Di Yuanmo gently touched Zimeng's small face, apologetic.

"Don't get excited, I didn't say I'll forgive you." Zi Meng stretched out her hand and pushed Di Yuanmo away, but now, no matter what Zi Meng said, Di Yuanmo would not feel sad.

As long as Zimeng doesn't leave him, one day, he will make Zimeng forgive her.

He is Emperor Yuanmo, the master of the national teacher, and he really believes in his charm here in Zimeng.

"Did Zi Yaoye come just now?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng and spoke softly, Zi Meng nodded slightly, but Di Yuanmo didn't mention it, she had forgotten it.

What Zi Yaoye said was too suspicious, something must have happened.

(End of this chapter)

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