Chapter 786
"Let her calm down inside for a while, and then let her out later. A woman's gossip is really scary."

Zimeng shrugged with a smile, Yu Tingxi couldn't help swallowing, this was the first time she realized that Zimeng was so cruel.

He just gossiped about it, but he actually froze him there, it's really scary!

Yu Tingxi thought for a while, but luckily, she didn't provoke Zi Meng, otherwise, I don't know if she would be treated like this by Zi Meng!

"I should let her calm down. She has been bothering me from yesterday to today. If this continues, I will go crazy."

Looking at Shengge trapped in the ice, Ling Siyun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and Zi Meng couldn't help laughing when she saw Ling Siyun's appearance.

Zimeng smiled happily, Ling Siyun couldn't help but rolled her eyes, she was embarrassed to smile, she didn't look at who caused this incident.

"However, don't you need to rest? The construction work is already finishing, so you don't need to stay here."

Ling Siyun looked at Zimeng, and Zimeng's face blushed immediately. Although Ling Siyun said it casually, Zimeng still heard the implication in these words.

Zimeng didn't speak, but Ling Siyun had a very clear look on Ling Siyun's face, which made Zimeng very speechless.

"By the way, Siyun, I remember, you once told me that the Liuli sect has guardians, right?" Zimeng turned to look at Ling Siyun, Ling Siyun didn't know why Zimeng asked that, but she still nodded.

"Although, I don't know why there was no Dharma protector when my master was in charge, but, in the future, I will definitely not be able to stay here every day.

You can't put all the burden on you, so I decided to choose a few guardians, so that even if I'm not around, there are people to help you. "

Zi Meng looked at Ling Siyun very seriously, Ling Siyun blinked and looked at Zi Meng.

Before, she didn't know why Xing Yage didn't need to protect the law. She also asked Xing Yage, but Xing Yage just laughed and didn't say the reason.

However, when the Liuli Sect was in crisis, Ling Siyun seemed to understand something after seeing what the former Dharma protector did.

If all guardians are like this, it is better not to!
Now, when Zimeng said that she wanted to be a Dharma protector, she naturally wanted to choose the best one among all the disciples, but Ling Siyun was a little worried, is it really all right?
Since the disciples of the Liuli Sect are all girls, their strength is naturally weaker than that of other sects. It might be difficult to find a suitable guardian here, right?

Moreover, they still don't know how many guardians Zimeng is looking for.

"Master, have you decided how many guardians you want?" Ling Siyun looked at Zimeng, Zimeng nodded,
"I have already decided, four, named after the four directions of east, west, north and south. After everything about the Liuli Sect is settled, you will send an order. One year later, a martial arts competition will be selected to protect the Dharma."

Zimeng opened her mouth slowly, looking at Ling Siyun, Ling Siyun and Dugu Mingxue looked at Zimeng in puzzlement, they understood that they needed four guardians, but why did they choose after a year?

Mo Qiqi looked at Zimeng excitedly, with an expression of eagerness, which made the corners of Zimeng's mouth twitch.

"Don't be so excited, the Liuli Sect won't want you, and I don't want trouble." Zi Meng looked at Mo Qiqi very seriously, and Mo Qiqi's eyebrows were pulled violently.

(End of this chapter)

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