Chapter 787 You Are Too Annoying
She just wants to join the Liuli Sect, and then, to participate in this dharma guardian competition, what do you mean you don't want to cause trouble?

Will she have trouble joining the Liuli Sect?
how could it be possible?
"Master, why do you have to wait until a year later?" Dugu Mingxue looked at Zi Meng in confusion, and Zi Meng sighed.

"During this time, the Liuli Sect has experienced too many things. Moreover, everyone has not practiced much for the reconstruction of the Liuli Sect. This year is for everyone to practice. This is also to let everyone know that this time The guardian of the law is fair competition.

Also, anyone can enter the Library Pavilion of the Liuli Sect in the future. The secrets inside are gone, and there are only books left by the predecessors.

In the future, everyone can go in and read it. However, special people must be arranged to grade it carefully. After reading it, they should return it quickly. Those books belong to the Liuli Sect, and no one can take them privately. "

Zi Meng watched Ling Siyun and Dugu Mingxue speak seriously, and they looked at each other, seeing shock in each other's eyes.

There are secrets in Zangshu Pavilion, which everyone knows, and Zimeng just said that the secrets in Zangshu Pavilion no longer exist. What does this mean?
Did they get it wrong, or did Zi Meng say something wrong?

"By the way, Siyun, even if you want to become Dharma protectors, you have to compete fairly with them, you know?" Zimeng suddenly smiled and looked at Ling Siyun and Dugu Mingxue.

Several people immediately rolled their eyes, and they knew that they had absolutely no preferential treatment at Zimeng's place.

Moreover, it is very possible that Zimeng will have stricter requirements on them!
However, it is precisely because of this that the disciples of the Liuli Sect will be convinced by Zimeng, right?
The task of rebuilding the Liuli School is heavy, and Zimeng is not idle. Although she is often outside doing errands, she will be busy with them when she comes back.

Among all the heads, perhaps, Zimeng is the one who walked closest to them.

They didn't feel too much pressure when they were with Zimeng, and, sometimes, they would talk and laugh with Zimeng.

"Zimeng? Why can't I join? I can also join the Liuli Sect, can't I?" Mo Qiqi followed Zimeng, asking Zimeng over and over again, but Zimeng was too lazy to talk to her.

Mo Qiqi is equivalent to a relative of the emperor, and his status in the Mo family is not low, they will definitely not let Mo Qiqi join the Liuli Sect, because the current Liuli Sect is just a small sect.

"Zimeng? Zimeng?" Zimeng had already turned around and checked the Liuli Pie, and Mo Qiqi followed Zimeng without giving up, asking the same questions over and over again. ,

Zimeng was getting so annoyed by her, she wished she could freeze Mo Qiqi like she did to Shengge, so that she could calm down.

However, Zi Meng also knew that Mo Qiqi was not from the Liuli Sect, so she had to be patient!
"Zi..." Mo Qiqi spoke again, Zi Meng stopped and turned to look at her.

"Mo Qiqi, if you continue to pester me like this, you will never come to the Liuli School again." Zi Meng looked at Mo Qiqi very seriously, Mo Qiqi paused, and hurriedly stood in Zimeng's place. in front of.

"Why?" Seeing Mo Qiqi's aggrieved look, Zi Meng did not soften her heart.

"Because, you are too annoying. If you join the Liuli Sect, I will be annoyed to death by you. Therefore, I absolutely refuse, don't even think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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