Chapter 788 Controlling Power
Zi Meng's unceremonious opening made you, Mo Qiqi, almost fall to the ground.

She looked at Zimeng in disbelief, thinking that she had heard it wrong, but just now Zimeng was disliking her for being annoying?

how could it be possible?This is definitely not true. She is so cute and well-behaved, how can she be annoying?
Seeing her dazed expression, Zi Meng laughed, Yu Tingxi walked past Mo Qiqi, turned to look at her, and quickly followed Zi Meng.

"What's the matter?" Zi Meng looked at Yu Tingxi's puzzled eyes and asked with a smile.

"It's okay." Yu Tingxi hesitated for a moment, then shook her head.

"Don't worry, she's fine. She'll be chased after a while, let's go." Zi Meng patted Yu Tingxi's head, a blush flashed across Yu Tingxi's face, and then followed Zi Meng, keep going.

Sure enough, after a while, Mo Qiqi rushed over with a ferocious face, and when he was about to attack Zi Meng, Zi Meng dodged past.

"Beili Zimeng, you actually called me annoying, I fought you today." Mo Qiqi continued to rush towards Zimeng, but Zimeng dodged easily.

"You can't catch me, and you still work so hard, aren't you tired?" Zi Meng looked at Mo Qiqi amusedly, Mo Qiqi wailed, and continued to rush towards Zi Meng.

Yu Tingxi looked at Zi Meng and Mo Qiqi in shock. Mo Qiqi, who was still lifeless just now, got into a fight with Zi Meng in the blink of an eye.

It was really shocking, maybe it was because Yu Tingxi had never experienced this before, so she was surprised.

However, she felt that here, her mood has learned to be calm, even when Zimeng is not around, she seems to be able to gradually control herself.

Perhaps, here is really her home.

"Tingxi." Mo Qiqi was tired of chasing and failed to catch up with Zimeng, so she angrily ignored Zimeng, found a place to sit and rest, Zimeng turned her head and looked at Yutingxi.

When Yu Tingxi heard Zimeng calling her, she hurried over and looked at Zimeng.

Yu Tingxi's well-behaved appearance made Zimeng laugh out loud, but her smile made Yu Tingxi blink a little puzzled.

She didn't understand at all why Zimeng looked at her and smiled.

"In the next period of time, I will teach you how to cultivate and tell you to control the power in your body. After a year, if you are interested, you can also compete with everyone for the position of Dharma protector."

Zi Meng looked at Yu Tingxi with a smile, Yu Tingxi's eyes lit up immediately, Zi Meng taught her to control the power in her body, so in the future, she wouldn't have to worry about hurting others?
However, as a guardian, can she do it?
"Can you help me?" Yutingxi looked at Zimeng.


"Being a law protector, can I help you?" Yu Tingxi asked again, and Zimeng was slightly taken aback. It turned out that Yu Tingxi was thinking about her again?

"Of course, when I'm not around, the Liuli faction will be handed over to the guardian to take care of me. If you become a guardian, you will also help me take care of the Liuli faction."

There was a gentle smile on Zimeng's face. Seeing her smile, Yu Tingxi felt that her heart was much calmer.

Moreover, Zimeng just said that after becoming a Dharma protector, she can help her, so she must work hard to become a Dharma protector to help Zimeng.

In this way, Zimeng can relax a bit. For her now, this is the only way she can help Zimeng. However, before that, she still needs to learn to control her own strength.

(End of this chapter)

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