Chapter 790 Unbelievable
Ling Siyun looked at Zimeng worriedly, Zimeng blinked her eyes, she didn't quite understand what Ling Siyun meant.

"What do you mean?" Zimeng looked at Ling Siyun puzzled.

"You just said that this belongs to the Great Elder of the Asura Sect, right? What if someone sees it?" Ling Siyun looked helplessly at the ring in her hand.

She is really worried!

"You think too much, these things have been dealt with, and nothing will happen, just use them at ease." Zimeng looked at Ling Siyun, who was full of confusion, with a funny face, and gave her something to use, but she was still worried about this and that. of.

Are you really too timid?

Ling Siyun rolled her eyes, put the ring away, Zimeng said so, why does she care so much?

"Okay, I'm going back to rest for a while, you guys can do whatever you want!" Zi Meng yawned, and was about to leave. Mo Qiqi, who had been forgotten by her for a long time, just looked at her helplessly.

Has she been here for several days?Zimeng was either busy, or was with Di Yuanmo, and didn't say a few words to her at all.

She didn't even know what she was here for during this time, and, more importantly, Zimeng didn't let her join the Liuli Sect.

This made her feel very bad!

"Well, little Qiqi, what do you mean by looking at me like that?" Zi Meng's body trembled, and she looked at Mo Qiqi timidly. Mo Qiqi's gaze was really resentful.

"I think, now that you have your man, you ignore me. I have been here for many days, and you don't play with me, and you don't even see anyone!"

Mo Qiqi sniffed, looked at Zimeng, the corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched, this guy, what is he pretending?
Here, she is very moisturized every day, okay?Mo Qiqi is more familiar with people from Liuli School than she is.

"Siyun, I'm leaving first." Zi Meng didn't look at Mo Qiqi, turned her head, said hello to Ling Siyun, and then left directly.

Mo Qiqi just watched Zimeng leave helplessly, not knowing what to do.

She really didn't expect that Zimeng would leave just like that, just ignore his words and leave?
Ling Siyun looked at Mo Qiqi's dumbfounded look, and patted her on the shoulder sympathetically, "Just get used to it!"

The corner of Mo Qiqi's mouth twitched violently, what is a habit?
Can this kind of thing get used to?unacceptable!

She looked up at the sky, a little suspicious, who exactly did she know?
Mo Qiqi felt that if this continued, she would also turn bad along with it.

"By the way, is this girl often like this? Isn't it too much to ignore me?" Mo Qiqi turned to look at Ling Siyun, and Yu Tingxi also turned to look at Ling Siyun.

Yu Tingxi wanted to know about Zimeng, so she listened carefully.

Ling Siyun didn't have anything to do, so she just sat there and told them everything she knew about Zimeng. carry.

Yu Tingxi and the others were a little unbelievable when they heard Ling Siyun say that Zi Meng's medical skills were superb, but they had never seen Zi Meng save someone.

Moreover, in their opinion, what Ling Siyun said was a bit exaggerated. How could it be possible to save people like what Ling Siyun said?It's just incredible.

No matter how you think about it, it's incredible!

(End of this chapter)

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