Chapter 791

"I said, Siyun, is the person you're talking about really Zimeng? No way?" Mo Qiqi looked at Ling Siyun incredulously, and Ling Siyun nodded seriously.

Yu Tingxi also stared at Ling Siyun dumbfounded, she didn't believe it either!
Can a few silver needles really save lives?

Ling Siyun looked at the expressions of the two of them, and just smiled. If she hadn't seen Zimeng do these things before, she probably wouldn't believe it.

But now, she admires Zimeng very much, as long as it happens to Zimeng, Ling Siyun will not feel strange.

"To be honest, Zimeng knows many things that I don't know, so I really admire her! However, she has said many times that she will teach me, but she has never had time."

As Ling Siyun spoke, there was also some resentment, Mo Qiqi and Yu Tingxi ignored her expression, they hadn't woken up from what Ling Siyun said.

Mo Qiqi sat there with her chin propped up, thinking about the capital of Xuexiang Kingdom, the Zimeng Medical Center that Zimeng took her to, the people there seemed to be very respectful to Zimeng.

However, Mo Qiqi really didn't like the one named Qin Xue, Zi Meng saved her, and she fell in love with Zi Meng's man.

Although, Mo Qiqi admits that Di Yuanmo is really the most beautiful man in the world, and, Mo Qiqi did have a crush on Di Yuanmo before.

However, ever since Mo Qiqi knew that he was Zi Meng's man, Mo Qiqi didn't have any thoughts.

Moreover, seeing Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo having fun together, Mo Qiqi was also very happy!

Ling Siyun and the others chatted happily here, but Zimeng slowly returned to the residence.

In the room, Di Yuanmo, who was practicing before, was leaning against the bed at this moment, with his eyes closed. He didn't know if he was sleeping or resting with his eyes closed.

Zi Meng walked over gently, sat down beside Di Yuanmo, looked at Di Yuanmo's eyebrows, and smiled.

Before she could accept her smile, Di Yuanmo opened his eyes, looking at Zi Meng who was looking at him eagerly with a smile in his eyes.

"You look at me like that, what if you get tired of watching that day?" Di Yuanmo said in a good mood, and Zi Meng's face turned red instantly.

Di Yuanmo reached out and pulled Zimeng into his arms, rubbing his chin on Zimeng's shoulder lightly.

Zimeng turned to look at Di Yuanmo helplessly, "I said, as a national teacher, you are here every day, is it really all right?"

Zi Meng's words made Di Yuanmo feel a little helpless, he felt that Zi Meng seemed to be driving him away.

"Zi'er, is that why you don't want to see me?" Di Yuanmo suddenly felt wronged!

Therefore, he looked at Zimeng eagerly, making Zimeng speechless at all.

Seeing that Zimeng was speechless, Di Yuanmo gradually smiled.

Nestling in Di Yuanmo's arms, Zi Meng gradually became sleepy, so she soon fell asleep.

When Di Yuanmo heard Zi Meng's even breathing, Di Yuanmo looked down, and then gently placed Zi Meng on the bed.

Then, she lay on her side beside Zimeng, looking at Zimeng's sleeping face.

He was thinking, after this, Zi Meng would definitely be busy with Zi Yao Ye's affairs, if he wasn't by Zi Meng's side, he was worried that Zi Meng would mess around.

He didn't want Zimeng to have an accident under his nose, so he had to stay by Zimeng's side all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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