Chapter 792 Absolutely Miserable
Now, he was thinking, should he go back and make arrangements while Zimeng is sleeping, saying that he is going to retreat and won't show up in a short time.

Everyone should not doubt anything, he is a national teacher, so they should not say anything about what he wants to do.

After finding a solution, Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng more tenderly.

After he bowed his head and kissed Zi Meng's forehead lightly, he turned over and got off the bed, and left the room.

When Zimeng woke up, Di Yuanmo was already sitting in the room practicing.

No one knows when he left, and no one knows when he came back.

The quiet life was disrupted within a few days.

Several disciples were injured, and they were all burnt. Zimeng was very surprised, although the strength of these disciples was not very strong.

However, if they are together, few people can hurt them, right?
Unexpectedly, they were all injured, and they were severely burned.

They could only treat their wounds seriously with Ling Siyun, and Mo Qiqi and Yu Tingxi were helping at the side. Seeing Zimeng's quick movements, they believed that what Ling Siyun said before was true.

"What's going on? Why are you all so badly burned?" Zimeng frowned and looked at them. They all looked at Zimeng in a speechless manner, not knowing how to explain to her.

"The head is asking you something, why don't you speak?" Ling Siyun looked at them helplessly.

"While we were patrolling the mountain, we saw a little girl sneaking around, so we went up to inquire. As a result, she didn't say a word, and she did it directly."

They all looked at Zimeng embarrassedly, they were really embarrassed!

So many people were injured by a little girl, and the injury was so serious, how could they have the nerve to talk to Zimeng?

"A little girl?" Zi Meng frowned and thought for a while, then got up, looked at them, and then turned to look at Ling Siyun.

"Siyun, you are here to take care of them. I'll go and see who is so brave enough to hurt someone from my Liuli Sect."

There was a faint smile on Zimeng's face, Ling Siyun and the others knew that Zimeng was angry, very angry.

"Zi'er, let me go and take a look. You take care of them here." Di Yuanmo came out of the room, walked to Zimeng's side, and patted her on the head lightly.

"No need, you are the master of the country, how can I let you find someone? I will go by myself, you go back and wait for me." Zi Meng smiled at Di Yuanmo.

When Di Yuanmo came to his senses, Zi Meng's figure had already flown out, Di Yuanmo smiled helplessly, and followed.

Seeing the two people leaving, Ling Siyun and the others could not help but start praying. Of course, they were not praying for Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo, but for the little girl who injured the disciple of the Liuli Sect.

Zimeng and Di Yuanmo will go together, and they will never show mercy.

I'm afraid, after finding that little girl, that little girl will definitely be very miserable!

Either being tied up by Zi Meng with vines, or being beaten to death by Di Yuanmo!

"Why are you here? I can do it myself." When Zimeng stopped to look around, Di Yuanmo stopped beside her.

Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, smiling happily, Di Yuanmo looked at the burnt marks on the ground, and pulled Zi Meng into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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