Chapter 812 childhood sweethearts
In Di Yuanmo's sight, there was affection for Zi Meng, even if Zi Meng wanted to go with Di Yuanmo again, at this moment, she nodded obediently.

However, as soon as she nodded, she regretted it, but it was too late to regret it. Di Yuanmo didn't give her a chance at all, and blocked her words directly.

The bored Zimeng was sitting by the lake, looking at the unknown flowers blooming on the lake, and Di Yuanmo said that if he didn't take her there, he wouldn't take her there, it was really cruel.

"Miss Beili is so elegant!" A voice that Zimeng didn't like came from behind her. Out of politeness, Zimeng got up and looked at her.

"Ms. Mengxi's elegance is also good." Zimeng smiled faintly.

"Miss Beili is a smart person, so I won't mingle with you. Have you known Mo for a long time?" Mengxi looked at Zimeng with a smile on her face.

"Not long, right?" Zi Meng rubbed her chin and thought for a while, then spoke slowly.

Seeing Zimeng's nonchalant appearance, Mengxi was very angry, but she also knew that now was not the time to lose her temper with Zimeng.

However, looking at Zimeng's expression, Mengxi was really angry.

"I think you should know that Mo and I are childhood sweethearts. We were originally a couple, but you suddenly appeared and stepped in between us."

Standing by the lake, Mengxi looked at the surface of the lake and opened her mouth slightly. Although her tone was flat, Zimeng could hear the murderous look and anger in her tone.

Zimeng tilted her head to look at her, the smile on her face became brighter.

If this is the case, then it is impossible for Di Yuanmo to be with her, and Zi Meng clearly remembers that in Di Yuanmo's memory, Mengxi is a dead existence.

Who would have thought that Mengxi not only survived, but was also found by Di Yuanmo?
Zimeng really wanted to complain about her, but her good upbringing made her look at Mengxi very seriously.

"Is that so? I'm really sorry." Zimeng shrugged and looked at Mengxi apologetically.

Mengxi was so choked by Zimeng's words that she couldn't speak for a moment. Soon, Mengxi laughed. When Zimeng wondered why she suddenly laughed so happily, Mengxi suddenly knelt down in front of Zimeng. , This surprised Zimeng.

"Miss Beili, I know, I am annoying to you, but my feelings for Mo are true, please, let me stay by your side, even if I am just a girl who serves you, I will no comment."

Mengxi looked up at Zimeng pitifully, and Zimeng opened her mouth wide in surprise.

She has no idea what this Mengxi is playing!

What does it mean to kneel down suddenly and say these words again?

People who didn't know the situation saw it and thought she was bullying Mengxi!

"What on earth are you trying to say? Let me tell you, can you get up first?" Zi Meng looked at Meng Xi helplessly, but Meng Xi ignored Zi Meng, still knelt in front of Zi Meng.

"Miss Beili, I beg you, please help us!" Meng Xi said, seeing tears were about to flow, Zi Meng was even more helpless.

As Mengxi said, she grabbed Zimeng's hand, and Zimeng pulled her hand helplessly, trying to pull her hand out of Mengxi's.

Because, for some reason, Meng Xi's strength was too great, and Zi Meng felt her hand hurt so much.

However, just as Zimeng's hand was pulled back, Mengxi suddenly flew out, towards the surface of the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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