Chapter 813 I Believe in Zi'er

Zimeng's hand was still in the air, but Mengxi had already fallen into the water. Zimeng looked at her hand. She never knew that she had such great strength.

Just pulling back his hand, he was able to throw Mengxi into the lake.

"What are you doing?" Di Yuanmo's voice suddenly appeared, Zi Meng turned her head to look at Di Yuanmo who was standing not far away, she seemed to have been standing there for a long time, and then looked at Mengxi who was struggling in the water, and suddenly, It seems to understand something.

Everything Mengxi did just now was just for Di Yuanmo to see.

And in the scene just now, it was as if Mengxi begged her to be with Di Yuanmo, but she disagreed, and because of jealousy and hatred, she threw her into the water.

However, Zimeng wanted to say that she was wronged.

It's just that Zimeng doesn't have so much time to explain to Di Yuanmo now. With a wave of his hand, a rattan whip with the thickness of one's arm sprang out from the ground, and rushed towards Mengxi in the water under Zimeng's control.

"Mo, save me! I don't want to die! Help!" Mengxi struggled in the water while calling for Di Yuanmo to save her.

However, Zi Meng had already made a move, so Di Yuanmo didn't move, just stood there, frowning at Mengxi.

Zimeng controlled the rattan whip to lift Mengxi out of the water, and threw Mengxi to the ground.

Mengxi sat there dripping wet, raised her head, looked at Di Yuanmo pitifully, tears were already streaming down her face.

"Mo, I just want to be with you. I don't expect anything else, but she can't tolerate me." After Mengxi looked at Zimeng, she covered her lips aggrievedly.

Di Yuanmo frowned and looked at Zimeng, Zimeng looked at him expressionlessly, waiting for Diyuanmo's accusation, because, no matter how you look at the scene just now, she must have thrown Mengxi into the water ?

Seeing Di Yuanmo's stern expression, Mengxi raised a faint, imperceptible smug smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Zi'er, are you alright?" Di Yuanmo walked up to Zi Meng, put his hands on Zi Meng's shoulders, and looked Zi Meng up and down very seriously.

Zimeng shook her head, indicating that she was fine, and then looked at Mengxi, she was fine here, but it seemed that the one named Mengxi was the one.

Di Yuanmo should go see her now, right?
After confirming that Zimeng was fine, Di Yuanmo turned to look at Mengxi, who was looking at them in disbelief.

She really didn't expect this to happen. She thought that after seeing the previous scene, Di Yuanmo would definitely come to comfort her, and then scold Zimeng.

In this way, their relationship will definitely get worse and worse, and then she will have a chance to be with Di Yuanmo.

However, things were beyond her expectation.

"Although, I don't know the specific situation, but I believe that Zi'er would never do such a thing. Meng Xi, your clothes are already wet, you should go and change."

Di Yuanmo gently put his arms around Zi Meng's shoulders, and looked at Mengxi. Meng Xi bit his lip aggrievedly, stood up dripping wet, and looked at Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng.

"Since you've said that, Mo, what else can I say? Anyway, I'm just a loner now." Mengxi's words were very aggrieved, which made the corners of Zimeng's mouth twitch.

Why, from Mengxi's tone, Zimeng heard that everything was her fault, and the reason why Mengxi didn't care about it was because of Di Yuanmo's face!
(End of this chapter)

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