Chapter 814 The Man Who Stolen Her
Zi Meng shrugged helplessly, turned to look at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo patted her on the shoulder, and silently expressed to Zi Meng that he believed in Zi Meng.

Zi Meng smiled at Di Yuanmo, but did not continue to say anything, looking at Mengxi.

Zimeng could clearly see that Mengxi looked at her with hatred, which made Zimeng very helpless. Being hated by such a scheming woman is really not a good thing!

After Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng, he walked to Mengxi's side, took out a piece of clothing, and put it on Mengxi. Mengxi instantly became shy.

"Your clothes are already wet, it's better to go back and change first." After Di Yuanmo finished speaking lightly, he turned around and walked to Zimeng's side.

"Zi'er, let's go!" Di Yuanmo took Zi Meng's hand and left without looking at Mengxi.

The shyness that had just appeared on Mengxi's face disappeared immediately, and she looked at the backs of Di Yuanmo and Zimeng leaving, feeling even more resentful.

He hated Emperor Yuanmo for being ruthless to her, and hated Zimeng for stealing her favorite man.

"You really don't need to go see her?" Zi Meng looked up at Di Yuanmo, a little worried.

Anyway, Di Yuanmo and Meng Xi are also childhood sweethearts. Now, Meng Xi is soaked from head to toe, shouldn't Di Yuanmo go and see her?

Wouldn't it be a good idea to just leave like this?
"It's okay, as long as you're fine." Di Yuanmo smiled at Zimeng, Zimeng was a little worried, Mengxi would never let it go so easily, would she?

After Di Yuanmo said so, Zi Meng would naturally not let Di Yuanmo go back to see Mengxi.

Zimeng is a very normal person, of course she doesn't want to see her man caring about other women.

There was a faint smile on Zimeng's face, and he held Di Yuanmo's hand tightly. Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, with a smile on his face too.

Mengxi's stealing of chickens was nothing but rice. Di Yuanmo didn't misunderstand Zimeng, but on the contrary, he made himself extremely embarrassed.

She is already thinking about how to deal with Zimeng next, and she will never give up if she can't get angry.

"What's the matter? Are you in a good mood?" Di Yuanmo sat opposite Zi Meng, looking at Zi Meng's smile that never disappeared, and looked at her amusedly.

"It's okay, aren't you in a good mood?" The smile on Zimeng's face became brighter.

Di Yuanmo just smiled and looked at Zimeng. The relationship between the two of them seemed to be so harmonious that no one could get involved.

Zi Yaoye walked over with a pale face, ignored Di Yuanmo, and looked directly at Zi Meng, who turned to look at him and blinked.

"I heard that you had some misunderstandings with her today?" Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng, Zi Meng shrugged her shoulders, did not expect that this matter would spread so quickly?

"I've heard it all, and it's said that you killed her in order not to let her be with this person." Zi Yaoye looked at Di Yuanmo with a half-smile, and Di Yuanmo's expression It was suddenly cold.

Zimeng raised her eyebrows. It turned out that the rumors from outside turned out to be like this, no wonder!

However, Zimeng didn't think there was anything strange, Zimeng had already thought of it before, what's so strange?

"She is completely different from before, so you'd better not get too close to her, otherwise, one day, you will regret it."

These words, Zi Yaoye said to Di Yuanmo, these words made Di Yuan slightly frown, but did not speak, just looked at Zi Meng, Zi Meng smiled at him.

(End of this chapter)

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