Chapter 819 Give up?

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng helplessly. His kindness to Zimeng was voluntary, so he didn't want to put pressure on Zimeng.

Moreover, he is very happy to cook for Zimeng.

"It's my pleasure to cook for you." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng tenderly.

"But, according to my current cultivation, it's okay to not eat for ten days and a half month, right?" Zi Meng thought for a while before continuing to speak. Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand and gently pinched Zi Meng's ear.

Even so, he didn't want Zimeng to be wronged, and eating or something could make Zimeng feel full.

As long as Zimeng is happy, it's fine for Di Yuanmo to do anything.

"You really don't want to eat my cooking?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng with an aggrieved expression on his face.

The corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched slightly, she just didn't want Di Yuanmo to work hard, why did Di Yuanmo show such an expression?

It seems that Zi Meng has disgusted her.

"Well, don't show such an expression, I really like to eat your food." Zimeng sighed helplessly, and continued to eat.

Seeing Zimeng's helpless look, Di Yuanmo smiled, and picked up chopsticks to pick up food for Zimeng.

The next day, while Zimeng was still sleeping, Di Yuanmo had already left the house.

As soon as Di Yuanmo came out of the room, Mengxi was already outside the door. Di Yuanmo frowned slightly, looking at Mengxi, wondering why Mengxi was waiting here.

"In the past few days, I can see that you and Miss Beili really love each other, so I decided to give up on you, but can we have another drink together like before? The last time."

Mengxi looked at Di Yuanmo pleadingly, and Di Yuanmo sighed. When he was ignored, it was Mengxi who was by his side. How could Di Yuanmo disagree with this request.

The two sat down together, and then, Mengxi took out the food and wine she had prepared, and poured wine for Di Yuanmo.

The two were talking about the past, and Di Yuanmo just responded without saying a word. Zi Meng came out of the room, saw this scene, and didn't step forward, just stretched her waist and turned to leave.

Zimeng left, but Di Yuanmo didn't see it, but Mengxi saw it clearly, and a successful smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

All things are going according to her settings, this time, Zimeng will definitely be ruined.

"Mo, I've had some wine, and I seem to be on top. Can you take a walk with me at the end?" Meng Xi looked at Di Yuan Mo, his eyes still full of pleading.

"Let's go." Di Yuanmo got up and walked out, Meng Xi hurriedly followed.

"Zi Yaoye, what are you doing here? Your injury hasn't completely healed yet, so jumping around, don't say I'm not good at medicine, you know?"

Zi Meng, who was walking around, saw Zi Yaoye standing there motionless, stepped forward with some doubts, and patted him on the shoulder.

Zi Yaoye turned around slowly, looking at Zi Meng with red eyes.

Zi Meng just glanced at it, and immediately felt that something was wrong with Zi Yaoye, very wrong.

Before Zimeng could speak, Ziyaoye suddenly moved, pulling Zimeng into her arms, Zimeng was taken aback, but she still struggled quickly.

She said she was struggling, but she didn't dare to use too much strength, for fear of hurting her hard-fought wound again.

As Zimeng struggled, Zi Yaoye directly threw her to the ground, and, from his throat, he kept roaring like a monster.

(End of this chapter)

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