Chapter 820 Frightened
"Zi Yaoye, you bastard, what's going on? Let me go!" Zi Meng raised her hand, and slapped Zi Yaoye on the face, and Zi Yaoye's eyes became even redder.

He didn't hit Zimeng, but raised his hand and began to tear Zimeng's clothes, Zimeng was taken aback.

If this continues, the situation is really not good.

However, the current Zi Yaoye seemed to have lost his mind, unable to listen to anything at all.

Zimeng is not doing well at this time, Di Yuanmo and Mengxi are almost here.

In order to prevent Zi Yaoye from going crazy like this, a silver needle appeared in Zi Meng's hand, Zi Meng raised her hand, and pierced the silver needle into Zi Yaoye's acupuncture point.

Zi Yaoye's eyes suddenly regained clarity, of course, it was only for a moment, then he closed his eyes, lay on Zi Meng's body, and lost consciousness.

Zimeng breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately in time, otherwise, something big would happen!

"Oh my god, Miss Beili, what are you doing?" Di Yuanmo came to the scene of the crime under the deliberate leadership of Mengxi, and the scene in front of them naturally did not escape their eyes.

Zi Meng turned her head and saw Di Yuanmo and Meng Xi, she was ashamed, they came at the right time, but when she saw Di Yuanmo, Zi Meng was truly relieved.

The way she breathed a sigh of relief was naturally noticed by Di Yuanmo.

"Miss Beili, Mo treats you so well, but you actually do such a careless thing here, how can you be worthy of him?" Mengxi didn't give Di Yuanmo a chance to speak, and his loud voice could attract all the people nearby. come over.

Di Yuanmo didn't speak, went forward and stretched out his hand, lifted Zi Yaoye lying on Zi Meng's body, ready to throw it out.

"Wait a minute, don't throw it away, he seems to be poisoned." Zi Meng hurriedly stopped him, Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Yaoye, and threw him on the ground.

"Are you injured?" Di Yuanmo helped Zimeng up.

"No, but I was frightened and needed comfort." Zi Menglai rubbed pitifully in Di Yuanmo's arms.

Di Yuanmo hugged Zimeng tightly. To be honest, he was really angry when he saw you just now. disappeared.

"Okay, it's okay, when this guy wakes up, I'll give him a good lesson." Di Yuanmo glared at Zi Yaoye who was on the ground, and gently patted Zi Meng's back to comfort her.

"Mo, they have already done this kind of thing, you..." Seeing Di Yuanmo's completely indifferent look, Meng Xi stepped forward very angrily, and looked at Zi Meng angrily.

Zimeng slipped into Di Yuanmo's arms with some fear, but when she looked at Mengxi, she didn't show any timidity.

All of this quickly doubled in Zimeng's mind, and soon, she had a very clear result.

When she came out of the room and saw Di Yuanmo and Meng Xi drinking, she would leave naturally, then walked around, and met the abnormal Zi Yaoye.

Those things happened immediately afterwards, and the coincidence of Di Yuanmo and Mengxi's appearance proved that all of this was well arranged.

Here, except for Mengxi who thinks she stole Di Yuanmo, no one seems to have any grudge against her, right?
Moreover, she was the one who saved Zi Yao Ye, and here, she was very respected by others, so naturally, no one would attack her.

That would further explain that all of this has something to do with Mengxi.

(End of this chapter)

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