Chapter 822 The Sound of Killing a Pig
"Although I know I shouldn't say that, but I'm thinking, if all this really happened, what would you do?"

Zi Meng lowered her head, not daring to look at Di Yuanmo's face, Di Yuanmo blinked in confusion, did this really happen?
Di Yuanmo soon understood what Zimeng was worried about, and he pulled Zimeng into his arms again.

"Zi'er, no matter what happens, I won't leave you alone. None of this is your fault. How can I blame you?"

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng distressedly, Zimeng looked like a helpless child, which made Diyuanmo feel extremely distressed.

Even if Di Yuanmo said so, Zimeng felt like there was a thorn in her heart. She knew that Di Yuanmo wouldn't mind, but she did!
If she really got her way, Zi Meng might even have the heart to die.

Looking at Zi Meng's appearance, Di Yuanmo couldn't help but tighten his hands, and Zi Meng quietly nestled in Di Yuanmo's arms.

Di Yuanmo was there motionless, waiting for Zi Meng's mood to calm down.

Zimeng fell asleep quickly in Di Yuanmo's arms, and when she was fast asleep, Di Yuanmo quietly left the room.

No one knew what he was doing, only that Zi Yaoye's screams were heard soon, and Zi Meng woke up suddenly when he heard the sound like killing a pig.

She sat up and blinked her eyes. After making sure she had heard correctly, she got out of bed and followed the screams.

However, when they arrived at the destination and saw the scene in front of them, the corners of Zi Meng's mouth couldn't help twitching.

Zi Yaoye is the king of the demon clan, do you want to beat him so hard?Wouldn't it be embarrassing to be seen by others?
"Why are you crazy? Hit me without saying anything?" Zi Yaoye dodged Di Yuanmo's attack, panting, and looked at him viciously.

"Am I crazy? As the king of the demon clan, you will be drugged. If Zimeng is hurt by you, I will definitely make you regret being born in this world."

Di Yuanmo stopped his attacking hands and looked at Zi Yaoye coldly. Zi Yaoye frowned, unable to realize what Di Yuanmo meant.

Hurt Zimeng?

How can it be?

He has nothing to do when he is free, so why hurt Zimeng?The wound on his body was healed by Zi Meng. Although he is not a good person, he will not hurt Zi Meng.

"What's going on?" Zi Yaoye reacted for a while, then turned to look at Suzaku who was drinking tea, ignoring them.

When he woke up, only Suzaku was there, and at that time, Suzaku looked at him with contempt, he didn't care at the time, but now that he thinks about it, something must have happened.

"Ask her." Suzaku looked up at Zi Meng, and Di Yuanmo and Zi Yaoye looked up together.

"Zi'er, why did you come out?" Di Yuanmo hurried over, looking at Zi Meng worriedly.

"It's too noisy, I seem to have heard the sound of killing pigs, so come and have a look." Zi Meng smiled at Di Yuanmo, and the corner of Zi Yaoye's mouth twitched violently.

Is the sound of killing a pig referring to the screams of him being beaten by Di Yuanmo?
Zi Yaoye suddenly felt that he was too conniving towards Zimeng, to the point where she had the guts to speak of him so unscrupulously.

"I said, what's going on here?" Zi Yaoye gritted her teeth hard and opened her mouth, Zi Meng didn't speak, just looked at him.

"Tell me, they said I want to fuck you, what do you mean I hurt you? Okay, why did I hurt you?" Zi Yaoye looked at Zimeng very seriously, waiting for Zimeng's answer.

(End of this chapter)

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