Will not abandon her

"That's it." Zi Meng sighed, and went through the previous things again, Zi Yaoye looked at the others in disbelief, they all nodded, proving that what Zi Meng said was true.

Zi Yaoye sat down in a daze, her eyes were a little dazed, and Zi Meng wondered if it was something she said that frightened Zi Yaoye.

Zi Meng didn't want to be responsible for such a fool, so she quietly walked to Di Yuanmo's side, pulling Di Yuanmo to leave.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's sneaky look in puzzlement, and left after him.

"What's the matter? Zi'er?" After walking for a while, Di Yuanmo couldn't help but speak.

"I feel like I scared Zi Yaoye into a fool, so let's leave as soon as possible. If I am responsible for Zi Yaoye, it will be terrible."

Zi Meng whispered, Di Yuanmo smiled helplessly, Zi Meng's careful look is really too cute.

Moreover, Zi Yaoye is the devil king, how could he be scared so easily?
"However, I always feel that there seems to be a play to watch in a while, right?" Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, and said seriously.

"It's okay, as long as you don't get hurt." Di Yuanmo held Zi Meng's hand tightly, and Zi Meng nodded, saying the same thing, as long as she and Di Yuanmo don't have an accident, other things don't matter.

Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng sat in the yard, discussing how to find the mother Gu of the Heart-biting Gu, but after discussing for a long time, there was no result.

In the entire Demon Realm, the mother Gu of the Heart-biting Gu seems to have disappeared without a trace, and it is not known whether it still exists.

"If you can't find the mother Gu of the Heart-eating Gu, is it because the sister-in-law is hopeless?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo worriedly. Di Yuanmo didn't know how to explain to Zi Meng, but just watched quietly. she.

"To be honest, since I came here, I seem to have been cared for by you all the time, always wanting to do something for you, but every time I seem to be powerless, am I very useless?"

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo pitifully, and Di Yuanmo gently held Zimeng's hand.

Although they took good care of Zimeng, Zimeng had already done a lot for them, how could it be useless?
"Zi Yao Ye, what are you doing?" Meng Xi screamed and rushed over from a distance, as if avoiding someone's attack.

"Mengxi, I always thought that even if you have gone mad, it is impossible to forget our friendship, but I didn't expect you to be so vicious and drug me.

If I really did something to offend Bei Li Zimeng, do you think you can be with Di Yuanmo at ease? "

Zi Yaoye looked at Mengxi, Mengxi's expression froze suddenly, and she stopped in her tracks.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Mengxi looked at Zi Yaoye, not acknowledging what she had done.

"I don't dare to admit it or not. Today, I will tell you that even if I do something to Bei Li Zimeng, Di Yuanmo will not abandon her. The most likely thing is that I will be hunted down by Di Yuanmo forever. If you don't believe it, you can ask him himself."

Zi Yaoye turned to look at Di Yuanmo, who stared at them expressionlessly, as if he wanted to reject everyone except Zi Meng.

When Mengxi heard Zi Yaoye's words, she turned her head to look at Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo didn't even look at her, but Zimeng got up and stood between Di Yuanmo and Meng Xi, keeping Meng Xi's sight isolated.

(End of this chapter)

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