Chapter 824

"What are you doing?" Zimeng had a faint smile on her face, and Mengxi stared at Zimeng bitterly.

"What are you doing looking at me like that? It seems that I have done something to offend you. You have always wanted to do something to me, right?" Zimeng shrugged helplessly, and Di Yuanmo held Zimeng gently. Cute hand.

Zi Meng didn't care if anyone was there, she just snuggled into Di Yuanmo's arms.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You are Mo's favorite woman, how could I do anything to you? I have already told Mo that I have given up, and I will not participate among you."

Mengxi looked at Zimeng pitifully, and then turned to look at Di Yuanmo, "Mo, don't you believe me?"

Di Yuanmo didn't answer, but just looked down at Zimeng in his arms.

Seeing that Di Yuanmo didn't believe it, Mengxi became even more angry, but before she had time to say anything, Zi Yaoye's attack had already arrived.

Both Zimeng and Di Yuanmo ignored them, but Di Yuanmo set up a barrier around them.

In this way, no matter how hard they fight, they will never be hurt.

Mengxi wanted to hide behind Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo, but it didn't work, Zi Yaoye was still chasing after her.

"It seems that today, you all want to watch me die here? Well, since you are ruthless, don't blame me for being unrighteous. If I can't get something, no one else can get it. will kill you."

Mengxi resisted Zi Yaoye's attack fiercely, and stared at Zimeng and the others viciously. Seeing that she no longer hid her true nature and was about to break the jar, everyone looked at her.

Just when she was about to leave, Zi Yaoye stepped forward suddenly, as if she had caught something, then quietly watched Mengxi leave.

Zimeng and Di Yuanmo got up and looked at Ziyaoye. They didn't expect Ziyaoye to let her go like this.

"This is for you." Zi Yaoye reached out and handed a transparent bottle to Zi Meng.

Zi Meng looked at the blood-red worm in the bottle, and couldn't help swallowing, what's the matter?Why did Ziyao Ye give her a bug?

Moreover, this bug looks terrifying!
"What is this?" Zi Meng looked up at Zi Yaoye.

"The mother Gu of the Heart-eating Gu." Zi Yaoye said lightly, and Zi Meng opened her mouth wide in surprise.

The mother Gu of the Heart-eating Gu?No way?That's it?Is it going to be so smooth?She and Di Yuanmo searched for a long time but couldn't find it, okay?

"Why are you here?" Zi Meng looked at Zi Yao Ye in confusion.

"Not with me, but with Mengxi." Zi Yaoye turned around, ready to leave.

Zimeng blinked, where is Mengxi?
Zimeng confirmed again that Mengxi was definitely not a good thing. They were looking for the mother Gu of the Heart-eating Gu, and Mengxi knew about it, and she also pretended to follow Di Yuanmo to find the mother Gu.

Unexpectedly, the mother Gu was always on her body!
But why?How did that happen?No matter how you think about it, you can't figure it out?
"As soon as you came here, I knew that there would be the current result. Di Yuanmo left early, so he didn't know that in the demon clan, only Mengxi is the one who raises the Heart-biting Gu."

Zi Yaoye opened his mouth lightly, Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo looked completely unexpected, because, no matter how they thought about it, they felt that it was unlikely, as far as I know, raising the Heart-biting Gu is very time-consuming and labor-intensive painstakingly.

(End of this chapter)

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