Chapter 825 Heart Blood
Of course, the painstaking efforts here are all literal meanings. To raise the Heart-biting Gu, you must use your heart and soul to raise it.

"Why did she become like this, isn't she already dead?" Di Yuanmo was quiet for a while, before Zi Yaoye left, he spoke lightly.

"You forgot, she is a demon, her strength is so high, do you really think that she will die?" Zi Yaoye turned around and looked at Di Yuanmo amusedly, Di Yuanmo frowned.

Zi Yaoye seemed to be in a good mood and walked back to Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng, and slowly said everything.

Back then, Mengxi made a mistake in her training and became obsessed. Although she was originally a demon, after she became obsessed, she would become different from usual.

It doesn't matter that his face is covered with magic lines, his whole person looks extremely irritable, except for the possessive desire for Di Yuanmo, all other feelings have disappeared.

It was precisely because of the magic lines all over her face that Mengxi was afraid that Di Yuanmo would find out, so she designed a series of evidence that she was dead.

When Di Yuanmo knew about this, he was very sad, and because of the matter with Zi Yaoye, Di Yuanmo left the demon world directly.

No one knew his whereabouts, and when Mengxi knew about these things, Di Yuanmo was nowhere to be found.

Di Yuanmo hasn't come back since then, and no one knows where he is. Naturally, Di Yuanmo doesn't know the fact that Mengxi is not dead.

"So that's the case?" Zi Meng rubbed her chin and looked at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo looked away uncomfortably.

"Okay, I've told you the matter, and I also helped you get the mother Gu of the Heart-biting Gu. In this way, we will be evened, right?"

Zi Yaoye had a coquettish smile on her face, looking at Zi Meng, Zi Meng raised her eyebrows, although she should have said so, but...

"If that's the case, then I don't need to remove those threads on your wound, do I?" Zi Meng's smile was brighter than Zi Yao Ye's, and the corner of Zi Yao Ye's mouth twitched violently.

He forgot about it. It seems that he owes Zimeng again?

"Are you okay?" Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo's face was already dark, Zi Meng couldn't help swallowing.

"It's okay, I just thought that I have been cheated by such a woman all the time, and I feel stupid!"

When Di Yuanmo said this, his whole body exuded murderous aura, Zi Yaoye ignored him and left directly.

Zimeng turned to look at him, always feeling that she forgot to ask something, but for a while, she couldn't seem to figure it out.

Zi Meng looked down at the bottle in her hand, the Gu worms in it lay there motionless, with that blood red appearance, Zi Meng really wanted to know how much blood was fed to make it so red?

"Master, even if you have this thing, you can't use it, right?" Lucky came out of the Shenjing space, stood on Zimeng's shoulder, and looked at the bottle in Zimeng's hand.

"Lucky, do you know what this is?" Zi Meng turned to look at Lucky, who nodded slightly.

"Master, this is the Heart-eating Gu. If it wants to grow so big, it must be fed with three drops of heart blood every full month. Moreover, the heart blood must belong to the same person."

After thinking for a while, Lucky explained to Zimeng and Di Yuanmo that the two of them looked at each other, and they were both shocked. If they had to be fed once a month, they would have to be fed once a month, and they had been fed for so long .

(End of this chapter)

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