Chapter 826 Very Familiar
This woman is trying to harm others, she has reached the point of insanity, right?He didn't even care about his own life.

"I didn't expect that you would know such a crazy person." Zi Meng turned her head and spoke quietly to Di Yuanmo, who rolled her eyes helplessly.

Mengxi was not like this before, and Di Yuanmo doesn't know why it is like this now!

"However, lucky, according to what you said, does it mean that it is useless for us to hold the heart-biting Gu?" After Zi Meng reacted for a while, she looked at Lucky in a daze.

"That's almost what it means. It must have its owner." Lucky thought for a while, and nodded seriously.

Zimeng looked at the bottle in front of her with some disappointment, she had already found the mother Gu of the Heart-biting Gu, but it was useless, which made Zimeng really disappointed!

"It's okay, we will definitely find another way." Di Yuanmo comforted Zimeng softly, and Zimeng nodded slightly.

In the following time, Zi Meng removed the thread on Zi Yaoye's wound, and left the demon world with Di Yuanmo.

Even without Zimeng, the Liuli faction was running normally, which made Zimeng very happy, but, because of the heart-eating Gu, Zimeng couldn't be happy at all.

"Zimeng, don't worry, I've already thought of this kind of result. Although I'm no longer a member of the Demon Race, my vitality is still much better than others, and I won't die so soon."

Jiang Fei looked at the lost Zimeng, and comforted her softly, but the more she said that, the more Zimeng blamed herself, even if she couldn't do this well, how could she take on the responsibility of the Liuli Sect?

"It's useless to me, I should catch Mengxi together, so that I can definitely take out the Heart-biting Gu from your body."

Thinking about it now, Zimeng really regrets it. If she had known that Mengxi had to control the mother Gu of the Heart-eating Gu, Zimeng would definitely not let Mengxi escape.

But now, Mengxi has disappeared, where should she find it?

What's more, even if you want to find it, even if you find it, Mengxi may not come back to help.

The current Mengxi is waiting for Zimeng's death anytime, anywhere!
"Did you see her?" Jiang Fei stood up in fright when she heard what Zi Meng said. Zi Meng didn't know why Jiang Fei was so excited, so she nodded.

Jiang Fei looked at Zimeng in shock, but didn't know what to say for a while.

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter?" Zi Meng looked at Jiang Fei puzzled.

"Zimeng, I know that you are very powerful, but you are definitely not her opponent. Promise me, stop being busy with my affairs, and don't confront her now."

Jiang Fei grabbed Zimeng's hand suddenly, and looked at Zimeng very seriously. Zimeng froze for a moment, but still listened to Jiang Fei's words and nodded, and Jiang Fei was relieved.

However, looking at her with lingering fears, Zimeng was a little puzzled. Could it be that there is some relationship between Jiang Fei and Mengxi?

Why, when it comes to Mengxi, Jiang Fei is so scared?
"Sister-in-law, you knew Mengxi before, right?" Zi Meng looked at Jiang Fei, and Jiang Fei stared at Zi Meng, then nodded slightly.

Not only did they know each other, but they were also very familiar with each other. If it wasn't for Mengxi, she wouldn't be in the situation where she has no strength at all.

However, she also wanted to thank Mengxi very much. If it wasn't for Mengxi, she wouldn't have such a happy family now.

(End of this chapter)

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