Chapter 827
Now she has two well-behaved children and a husband who is very loving to her.

She doesn't want to see Mengxi anymore. In fact, what if she sees Mengxi?I'm afraid, it's just a dead end, right?

Mengxi will not let go of those who she calls traitors.

"Zimeng, what's the matter?" Jiang Fei looked at Zimeng's silence, and asked in a puzzled voice.

"It's okay, sister-in-law, since you know Mengxi, you should also know about the relationship between Di Yuanmo and Mengxi, right? Can you tell me about it?"

Although Zi Yaoye also talked about the matter between Di Yuanmo and Meng Xi, but he only talked about it in general, and Zi Yaoye didn't say a lot of things that Zi Meng wanted to know.

So, curiosity is in everyone's nature.

Zimeng really wanted to know these things, although she didn't know if her sister-in-law would tell her.

"Back then, Mengxi was still a very gentle person, she was with Master Guoshi almost every day, at that time, the two of them were a couple that everyone envied.

But, for some unknown reason, she changed, became ferocious, bloodthirsty, murderous without blinking an eye, the Lord Demon King seemed to have discovered something and warned her.

Moreover, Lord Demon King also told Lord National Teacher about this matter, and at that time, Lord National Teacher persuaded her.

She pitifully begged for forgiveness in front of the National Teacher, and promised that she would never do this again, but in a blink of an eye, as long as the National Teacher was not around, she would behave like this again.

Suddenly one day, Mengxi came to me and asked me to tell Master Guoshi that she was dead, and it was Lord Demon King who killed her.

After that, the master of the country was very angry and went to find the Lord Demon King, but how could he admit to something that the Lord Demon King had never done?

Two people who are in charge of the wind and rain in the devil world made a bet for this matter. They had a fight, and the one who lost would leave the devil world forever.

Afterwards, they fought for three days, and it ended with the national teacher losing. He was injured by the demon king and couldn't stand up anymore.

And I, because I knew this, was hunted down by Mengxi, she wanted to kill people to silence me, I was seriously injured, but I didn't die, but lost all the magic on my body.

After escaping here, I got to know Haoyu. Although I have no spiritual power or magic power, everyone in Bei Li's house is very kind to me. "

Jiang Fei opened his mouth and explained to Zimeng that Zimeng was lying on the table, a little dazed.

Jiang Fei stopped what she was saying and looked at Zimeng. Zimeng was stunned for a while, then sighed helplessly, and then sat up straight.

Only now did Zimeng realize that this is what Di Yuanmo meant by betting.

Now she suddenly wants to hit someone, okay?Especially Dadi Yuanmo.

It's too much, and he didn't tell her the truth. No wonder Di Yuanmo was so entangled when he said this. So, this matter has something to do with Mengxi?

But, so what?

It's over between them, isn't it?Is it necessary to hide her?Wouldn't it be better to tell her directly?Really.

"Are you angry?" Jiang Fei couldn't help laughing at Zimeng's appearance.

"Well, I'm very angry. Actually, even if he told me about this, I wouldn't care, would I? But why, he didn't want to tell me?"

Zi Meng looked at Jiang Fei pitifully, Jiang Fei just smiled, but didn't give her any answer, Zi Meng pouted aggrievedly, she decided to have a good chat with Di Yuanmo.

(End of this chapter)

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