Chapter 828 Just Chatting
"However, now that Mengxi has come out, will she come to trouble you?" Zimeng suddenly remembered this matter. Although she was anxious to find Di Yuanmo, she was also very worried about Jiang Fei.

"It's okay. I'm completely different from before in terms of appearance and strength. Even if I stand in front of her, she can't recognize me. Okay, go find him!" Meng thought, looked at her with a smile, Zimeng thought for a while, then nodded and left.

However, when they reached the door, Zi Meng stopped again and turned to look at Jiang Fei.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely find a way to take out the Gu worm, and I will definitely not let it occupy your body forever, just wait for me."

Zimeng smiled at Jiang Fei, and ran away in a flash. Looking at her, Jiang Fei couldn't help but also laughed.

Regardless of whether Zimeng can do it or not, Jiang Fei is very happy, because Zimeng really cares about her.

After wandering away for an unknown amount of time, Zimeng finally reached the mansion of the National Teacher. The guard at the door saw Zimeng approaching, and let her go without any hindrance.

They didn't dare to stop Zimeng, if Di Yuanmo found out, they would definitely crush them to death.

"Miss Zimeng, are you here?" Yu Zhu and Leng Nan laughed when they saw Zimeng, Zimeng shrugged and continued to walk forward.

"She seems to have something on her mind?" Yu Zhu asked puzzledly, Leng Nan nodded, it seemed that she knew that something was on her mind.

However, Zimeng's concern has nothing to do with them, as long as Di Yuanmo can solve it.

"I said you, did you really bring her back? Did you really just bring her to Zimeng like that?"

Jun Mojiu stood in front of Di Yuanmo, and looked at Di Yuanmo angrily. Di Yuanmo put down the teacup in his hand, looked up, and looked at Jun Mojiu without speaking.

However, his attitude had already told Jun Mojiu that he had guessed right, and Jun Mojiu was even more angry than before.

Maybe it was because Jun Mojiu knew about Mengxi's current affairs, so he was really worried about what Mengxi would do to Zimeng.

"Could it be, after all these years, you still don't know her? Don't you worry, what did she do to Zi Meng?" Jun Mojiu's voice was close to roaring, and Zi Meng's footsteps stopped immediately.

Maybe it was a private letter, she really wanted to hear how Di Yuanmo answered Jun Mojiu.

"I already understand, so I will protect Zimeng well. If she dares to hurt Zimeng, then don't blame me for not being kind to her."

Di Yuanmo's tone was full of murderous intent, Jun Mojiu looked at him, so angry that he couldn't speak for a while.

He really didn't know what to say about Di Yuanmo. Over the years, Di Yuanmo had always thought that he blamed himself for Mengxi's affairs, thinking that it was because of him that Zi Yaoye would attack Mengxi.

But now, knowing that Mengxi is not dead, he actually brought Mengxi to Zimeng.

Zimeng was not far away, and couldn't help smiling when he heard Di Yuanmo's words.

"What are you doing?" Zi Meng walked over slowly, Di Yuanmo turned his head and smiled at her.

"It's okay, just chatting." Di Yuanmo said lightly, Zi Meng walked over and sat down, then looked at Di Yuanmo eagerly, Di Yuanmo looked at Jun Mojiu, and then looked at Zimeng, sighing helplessly Take a breath.

"What's wrong? Did someone offend you?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng in confusion, and Jun Mojiu rolled his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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