Chapter 829 Want to Ask Now

"You two talk, I'll find a place to let off steam." Jun Mojiu said as he was about to leave.

"Don't go too far, it will hurt your body." Zi Meng turned her head, looked at Jun Mojiu's back and said lightly.

Jun Mojiu staggered, turned his head, and looked at Zimeng viciously. Did he misunderstand what Zimeng meant, or did Zimeng misunderstand what he meant?

What do you mean don't go too far?

He was just going to dissipate the anger from Di Yuan's ink energy, what harm did he do?He was raised several levels by Zi Meng's anger.

Seeing Jun Mojiu's anger rising a bit, Zimeng burst into laughter.

After Jun Mojiu glared at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, he turned and left. Anyway, if these two people were together, they would ignore him directly, and he didn't want to hinder others here.

"Zi'er, why are you here?" Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand, and Zi Meng put his hand on Di Yuanmo's, and then sat down beside him.

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo without saying a word, and Di Yuanmo immediately felt that something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Di Yuanmo looked into Zimeng's eyes and spoke softly.

"Why aren't you and Zi Yaoye willing to tell me the truth?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, who was slightly taken aback when Di Yuanmo heard this, and then looked at Zi Meng helplessly.

He thought of some things, even if he didn't want Zimeng to know, Zimeng would know.

However, after Zimeng really found out, Di Yuanmo really didn't know how to explain to Zimeng, and always felt that there seemed to be problems with any explanation.

Di Yuanmo didn't speak, Zi Meng didn't speak either, the two of them seemed to be bored, they just stared at each other.

They were waiting, waiting for the other party to compromise first, but after waiting for a long time, it was Di Yuanmo who compromised first.

There was no way, Zimeng was sure that he would compromise, so she didn't speak at all, and looked directly at Di Yuanmo with her innocent eyes.

"I should have thought about it, Jiang Fei is your sister-in-law, so if you asked her, she would definitely tell you, originally, I didn't want you to know about it.

Back then, in the Demon Realm, Meng Xi was with me almost every day, maybe it was the reason why no one wanted to get close to me, my relationship with her has always been very good.

At that time, I thought that I would always be with her, that she was my lifelong partner and knew death, so I cherished that time very much.

However, I didn't expect that after those things happened, I thought that I would spend my whole life alone, but that was also because you didn't appear. "

This time, Di Yuanmo finally told Zimeng everything, and Zimeng finally knew why Mengxi hated her so much!

If there was someone who snatched her beloved man away, I'm afraid her mood wouldn't be much better, but, maybe, she couldn't be so ruthless as Mengxi.

"So, what else do you want to know?" Di Yuanmo smiled and looked at Zi Meng who was in a daze. Zi Meng shook her head. In fact, for her, as long as Di Yuan Mo has him in her heart, then enough.

The others don't matter, and the reason why she cares about these is only because Di Yuanmo kept them from her.

Now that the matter has been explained, there is no need for her to ask any more questions.

"I missed this time. Next time, if I want to know, I won't necessarily tell you. So, what do you want to ask now? Do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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