Chapter 830 Never leave
Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng with a smile, and Zi Meng rolled her eyes. Of course she knew about such things, but she really had nothing else she wanted to ask Di Yuan Mo.

Moreover, she believes that even now, if Di Yuanmo doesn't say anything, she will know one day, right?

So, now, Zimeng doesn't want to ask any more questions.

"Zi'er..." Di Yuanmo hugged Zimeng's hand tightly, rubbing his face against Zimeng's neck, which made Zimeng feel itchy for a while.

"What... what's wrong?" Zimeng said warmly.

Di Yuanmo didn't speak, he hugged Zimeng directly, turned around and walked back to the room.

"Yuan, what's the matter with you?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo with his arms around his neck, but he didn't speak, and put Zi Meng directly on his big bed.

Then, he leaned over and looked down at Zimeng, Zimeng blinked and looked at him. At this moment, Di Yuanmo was really strange.

Di Yuanmo didn't wait for Zimeng to open his mouth, he had already started to strip Zimeng's clothes. Without Di Yuanmo saying, Zimeng already knew what he wanted to do.

"Well, Yuan, it's daytime now." Zi Meng hurriedly grabbed Di Yuanmo's hand, and Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng's hands and smiled slightly.

When Zimeng came to her senses, Di Yuanmo had already controlled her hands, as if to prevent her from continuing to speak, Di Yuanmo had lowered his head and kissed her lips, making her unable to say anything .

"Di Yuanmo, are you in the room? Di Yuanmo." However, before the prelude started, Jun Mojiu had already knocked on the door outside.

Di Yuanmo suddenly raised his head, looked at the door viciously, Zi Meng's mouth twitched suddenly, Di Yuanmo's expression is so scary now, is he dissatisfied with seeking?

Thinking about it, it's normal to be interrupted suddenly and feel bad when things continue halfway through, right?

"Yuan?" Zi Meng called out cautiously.

Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, then smiled at Zimeng, waved his hand, and a barrier suddenly appeared, wrapping the house, and at the same time, knocking Jun Mojiu out.

"I'm going, what are you doing? You're not bullying Zimeng, are you? Di Yuanmo, you bastard." Jun Mojiu got up and kept patting the barrier, but Di Yuanmo in the room He Zimeng couldn't hear it.

Di Yuanmo bowed his head in a good mood, and continued to gently kiss Zi Meng's lips.

Zimeng's hand climbed God Yuanmo's neck, and this movement brought the distance between them closer.

"Zi'er, you will never leave me, right?" Di Yuanmo didn't care to wipe off the sweat on his face, and looked down at Zimeng, his gaze was full of pleading.

This time, Zi Meng was sure that Di Yuanmo had something in his heart.

"No, never." Zi Meng answered Di Yuanmo with his head down. With Zi Meng's answer, Di Yuanmo breathed a sigh of relief. He lowered his head and continued with what he had just done.

———Shy dividing line———

After the passion, Zi Meng closed her eyes and was sleeping soundly in Di Yuanmo's arms. Di Yuanmo gently stroked Zi Meng's skin.

When Zimeng woke up, Di Yuanmo was no longer there. She looked around in a daze, but she still didn't see Di Yuanmo, but she heard the sound of water coming from behind.

With some doubts, Zi Meng walked over step by step. Zi Meng saw a hot spring, and there was a figure in the hot spring.

Zimeng approached, but before she could speak, Di Yuanmo had already turned around and stretched out his hands to greet her.

(End of this chapter)

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