Chapter 831 You can come to me

"Since you're awake, I'll save you the trouble of calling you. Come down and wash with me, shall we?" Di Yuanmo slowly approached Zi Meng, who smiled and put her hand on Di Yuan Mo's. superior.

"By the way, Yuan, what happened to you yesterday? I think you are weird, are you really okay?" Di Yuanmo walked into the hot spring holding Zi Meng's hand, and Zi Meng looked up at Di Yuan. Yuan Mo.

Di Yuanmo's face flushed slightly, he didn't want to tell Zimeng that he was jealous.

Really jealous!
"What's wrong? Are you blushing?" Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo who was scrubbing her body and trying to divert her attention.

"Because my Zi'er is so good, many people like you, I'm afraid you will run away with them, so..." Di Yuanmo stretched out his hand, holding Zimeng's face, and answered Zimeng's words very seriously.

This made Zi Meng's face turn red.

"However, no matter who you want to run with, I will catch you back. You can never leave my side. No matter who you are, you can't take you away."

Di Yuanmo's arms tightened suddenly, pulling Zi Meng closer to him. Zi Meng raised her head, her chin resting on Di Yuanmo's chest, and looked at him seriously.

"Yuan, why do I feel that something is wrong after returning from the Demon Realm, did something happen?"

Although Di Yuanmo's words put Zimeng in a good mood, she still couldn't help asking.

Di Yuanmo hugged Zimeng tightly, "It's okay, but I don't know what to do with what happened during this period of time, but it doesn't matter anymore, as long as you are by my side, Zi'er, it doesn't matter anything gone."

Di Yuanmo's words made Zimeng slightly taken aback, then, she stood on tiptoe, pecked Di Yuanmo's lips lightly, and was about to leave.

But, how could Di Yuanmo let her go?
Di Yuanmo lowered his head and deepened the kiss.

When they came out of the room, Jun Mojiu had been waiting outside the door for a long time. He looked at you, Di Yuanmo, then at Zi Meng, and then walked to Di Yuanmo's side very dissatisfied.

"I said, you don't even give her a title now, is it really okay if this continues?" Jun Mojiu frowned.

Because the distance was too close, Jun Mojiu's saliva was about to spray on Di Yuanmo's face. Di Yuanmo stopped Zimeng and stepped back, telling Jun Mojiu to stay away from them.

"What are you doing? What do you mean? Do you dislike me?" Jun Mojiu was irritated by Di Yuanmo's actions.

Di Yuanmo rolled his eyes, he really doesn't want to pay attention to this guy now, every time he yells like this, what's the point?

"Well, I think, you misunderstood, I said, you won't get married in a short time." Seeing Di Yuanmo's impatience, Zi Meng explained, and Jun Mojiu opened his mouth in surprise.

He didn't expect that Di Yuanmo had already told Zi Meng about getting married.

"Have you made up your mind? If you follow this guy, there will be a lot of trouble. Are you sure?" Jun Mojiu looked at Zi Meng, who nodded seriously.

This is something she has already decided, so no matter who asks, she always answers this way.

"Well, since it's something you've already decided, I won't say anything, but if he bullies you that day, you can abandon him and come to me."

As Jun Mojiu said, he raised eyebrows at Zimeng, and Di Yuanmo directly pulled Zimeng into his arms, looking at Junmojiu very vigilantly.

(End of this chapter)

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