Chapter 838
Ever since meeting Di Yuanmo for the first time, Qin Xue has been deeply attracted to Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo sometimes goes to Zimeng Medical Center, and Qin Xue uses various excuses to get close to Di Yuanmo.

However, until now, it has come to such an ending, which made all her previous hopes disappear completely, and her gratitude to Zimeng also disappeared completely.

Now, all her feelings for Zimeng are only the hatred that Zimeng stole Di Yuanmo, she has completely forgotten that Di Yuanmo did not belong to her in the first place!

"Qin Xue, you should know that I saved your life and this man is mine. Do you know what you are doing now?"

Zimeng looked at Qin Xue disappointedly, and Qin Xue looked at Zimeng full of hatred.

"You saved my life, so what? I like Master Guoshi, what's wrong with that? But, Master Guoshi's eyes are always on you, I hate you!"

Tears flowed out of Qin Xue's eyes immediately as she spoke. After her words fell, many people began to watch and whisper.

"As a teacher of the state, you like me, and I thank you, but Zi'er is the only wife I recognize, and if you hurt her, you're hurting me. I won't let you go just because you like me."

Zimeng didn't speak, but Di Yuanmo had already spoken first. He looked at Qin Xue coldly. Qin Xue was terribly frightened by him, but she didn't dare to move, as if Di Yuanmo would move if she moved. Will shoot and kill her.

But, let her die like this, how could she be reconciled?

Just die like this, she really has nothing.

"Master Guoshi, please, please forgive me. I don't want to marry you, as long as I can be by your side, I will definitely serve you well."

Qin Xue cried and knelt on the ground, begging Di Yuanmo to let her go, if she didn't say so, Di Yuanmo might let her go for Zi Meng's sake, but now, Di Yuanmo is real Under the killing intent.

But she really overestimated herself, and completely underestimated Zi Meng's weight in Di Yuanmo's heart.

Even if it was to prevent Zimeng from feeling uncomfortable, Di Yuanmo would not let her go.

"You are simply shameless! Zimeng saved your life, and you actually repay her like this? An ungrateful person like you shouldn't be alive."

Hearing this, Mo Qiqi couldn't bear it anymore, walked over and kicked her.

Immediately, Qin Xue vomited blood and flew out. When Mo Qiqi and the others chased after her, Qin Xue suddenly disappeared in mid-air.

However, Di Yuanmo, who didn't know what he felt, suddenly stood in front of Zimeng vigilantly.

"It's Mengxi." Standing behind Di Yuanmo, Zi Meng murmured, and Di Yuanmo nodded.

After the aura disappeared, Zi Meng walked out from behind Di Yuanmo, and looked at the people who were talking below.

What they were talking about was just what happened just now. They all took it as a joke, and some people were talking about Qin Xue's ingratitude.

"Everyone, I'm sorry for making everyone laugh today, but I don't think you should spoil the fun because of this trivial matter, right?"

Zimeng smiled at everyone, but at the same time as she smiled, murderous aura exploded out, and everyone looked at each other without daring to say anything.

Zimeng's murderous aura managed to calm them down!
Ling Siyun and Dugu Mingxue flew to the competition stage and continued the previous competition.

(End of this chapter)

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