Chapter 839 Please Be My Opponent
It's just that everyone has been attracted by the previous ones. At this moment, they no longer pay attention to the situation of the game. What everyone is discussing is what happened just now.

Because, it's really ridiculous. There have been too many things happening with the Liuli Sect recently, and they all want to see what else can happen to the Liuli Sect.

Ling Siyun and Dugu Mingxue also knew the situation at this time, so they didn't use their full strength during the battle. If one of them was injured, I'm afraid that if something happened, the Liuli faction would be injured.

"Master Beili, although you are the head of the Liuli Sect, we have never seen you make a move. Can you show your hand in front of so many of us?"

The battle between Ling Siyun and Dugu Mingxue is still going on, and before Qin Xue's sneak attack has calmed down, someone has already taken advantage of the current trend to find Zimeng.

Mo Qiqi and Yu Tingxi looked at Zimeng, waiting for Zimeng's reply, but Zimeng just smiled lightly and did not reply.

"What's the matter? Could it be that the head of Beili is afraid that he will lose face in front of everyone because of his lack of strength? Don't worry, even if you have no strength, won't you still be protected by Master Guoshi? We dare not laugh at you."

His words made the smile on Zimeng's face disappear immediately. She stood up and looked at what she said. Is it true that a man is not afraid of losing face when he says such things?

Moreover, this is the Liuli faction's own business, right?Obviously these people came to see the fun, why are they now looking for trouble?

"Excuse me, which sect are you from?" Zimeng said lightly.

"It doesn't matter which sect I belong to, we just want to see your real strength." He looked at Zimeng with a smile, and everyone didn't speak, just looked at Zimeng quietly, waiting for Zimeng's answer.

However, Zi Meng watched everyone staring at her, she turned to look at Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo nodded slightly, and Zi Meng smiled.

Two silver needles appeared between her fingers, she waved her hand lightly, and the two silver needles flew out like invisible shadows, and then, Zi Meng's feet lightly tapped on the stage, flying away Go to the tournament stage.

As she gently swayed the hem of her clothes, everyone was attracted by her.

Ling Siyun and Dugu Mingxue looked at Zimeng worriedly, Zimeng just nodded to them, and they obediently left the competition stage, leaving Zimeng standing there alone.

Zimeng turned her head to look at the person who provoked her before. He was standing there motionless, still maintaining the same way he looked at Zimeng before, as if he had been immobilized by someone.

In fact, it can also be said that Zimeng's silver needles just now have sealed his acupoints. If possible, he is now at the mercy of Zimeng.

However, Zi Meng was not going to let him go, when he waved again, a green rattan whip with golden light sprang out from Zi Meng's feet, and rushed out following Zi Meng's control.

Soon, the person who provoked her was rolled up and brought to the competition arena. Then, she took off the silver needle and backed away.

"You..." He looked around a little unresponsively, he didn't know why he was on the competition stage, why Zimeng was standing in front of him.

"Since you want to know my strength, then I'll show you a generous show, but our Liuli Sect is weak, so I can't do anything to the disciples of the Liuli Sect, so I'll trouble you to be my opponent. "

(End of this chapter)

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