Chapter 849 Figures in the Darkness
Di Yuanmo hugged Zimeng, his heart ached, but there was nothing he could do to stop Zimeng's pain.

But why didn't Zimeng think so?She was in pain, even if she endured it by herself, she would never bite Di Yuanmo.

The devilish energy in Zimeng's body can't be sucked out at all now, Di Yuanmo can't wait, the one who hurts now is him!I don't want to see Zimeng in such pain.

In the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars, what Qinglong and the others saw was that the blackness that existed before was constantly expanding, as if it had absorbed something and was growing.

"Qinglong, do you know what's going on?" Baihu turned to look at Qinglong, who shook his head slightly.

He didn't know what was going on, but he knew that the ever-expanding aura was left by Di Yuanmo when they wanted to relieve Zi Yaoye's aura left in Zi Meng's meridian body.

"I don't know what happened outside, do you want to go out and ask?" Xuanwu looked at Qinglong and Baihu anxiously, they both looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

Although, they wanted to go out, but these two days, because they were busy with Liuli Sect's selection of guardians, when Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo were alone, they closed the sun, moon and star sea, but forgot to open it.

They can't go out, so now, they can only wait, but they don't know when they will wait.

Moreover, the current situation seems to be very unfavorable to Zimeng.

They didn't know why Zimeng did this, but they believed that with Di Yuanmo around, nothing would happen.

I don't know how long it took before Zi Meng gradually calmed down and fell asleep in Di Yuanmo's arms. Di Yuanmo gently placed Zi Meng on the bed and looked at her wound that had gradually healed.

He knew that Zimeng often bathed in divine spring water and made tea with divine spring water, so it was normal for the wound to heal quickly.

However, he was worried that if the devilish energy could not come out of Zimeng's body, it would definitely have an impact on Zimeng's body.

But now, Di Yuanmo has nothing to do.

"Zi'er, you must not have an accident." Di Yuanmo gently stroked Zi Meng's small face, worried.

But he didn't know that at this moment, Zimeng's consciousness was plunged into darkness.

"Yuan... Di Yuanmo... Where are you?" Zi Meng kept shouting, but no one answered her, and what answered her was only the boundless darkness.

Now, she seems to be stuck here and can't get out.

"What is this place? Why is it so dark? Besides, there's no one there?" Zimeng walked aimlessly around in fear, trying to find a way out.

After walking for a long time, Zimeng felt that she was still in the same place, and she didn't go out anyway.

"What the hell is this place?" Zimeng yelled unbearably, but she yelled, and the black mist around her trembled.

Although it was subtle, Zimeng still felt it. She didn't dare to move and looked around, her whole face was full of tears.

"Yuan, where are you? This place is so scary, I want to leave!" Zi Meng squatted pitifully on the ground, hugging her knees, she was aggrieved as tears were about to fall, and a figure slowed down from a distance. Come slowly.

Zimeng heard footsteps, looked up, but found that it was a woman in black with a black veil covering her face, she stopped not far away and looked at Zimeng quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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