Chapter 850 Don't do this
Although the man was in the darkness, Zi Meng could clearly see that it was a woman.

"Who are you?" Zi Meng asked in a low voice as she watched her motionless and did not speak.

The man didn't speak, just looked at Zimeng quietly, Zimeng couldn't see clearly, as if he wanted to look at Zimeng from inside to outside.

She didn't say anything, Zimeng didn't speak anymore, just looked at her like that, time passed, the man seemed to have seen through Zimeng, and slowly walked towards Zimeng, Zimeng got up and looked at her.

At this time, Zimeng saw her face clearly, and immediately opened her mouth in surprise, because her face was exactly the same as her own.

The only difference is that the man in black on the opposite side has a trace of black magic lines between his brows, but he doesn't find it ugly, it's more like a finishing touch, it's perfect.

"You are..." Zi Meng stared blankly at the person opposite.

"I am you!" Zi Meng didn't see her speak, but heard her voice coming from a distance, the voice was not as clear as hers, it seemed very ethereal.

"You are me?" Zimeng asked in confusion, she never knew there was such a person.

I don't know why there is another one of her!She was very curious, but she didn't know how to ask.

Zimeng opened her mouth several times, but no words came out.

The shadow looked at Zimeng expressionlessly. Although her face was expressionless, Zimeng could feel the gentleness in her eyes, a very familiar tenderness.

Before Zimeng could say anything, the shadow swayed and disappeared. Zimeng reached out to grab something, but what she got was just air.

The surroundings fell into darkness again, but this time, Zimeng didn't seem to be afraid anymore. I don't know if it was because Zimeng knew that she was not alone here.

Zimeng took a deep breath, stopped staying where she was, and continued to look for a way out.

"Zi'er, wake up, okay? You've been asleep for a long time."

Zimeng suddenly heard Di Yuanmo's voice, she looked around, but couldn't find Di Yuanmo.

"Yuan, where are you? Yuan?" Zimeng yelled, but got no response.

However, Di Yuanmo's voice was always heard in Zimeng's ear, and that voice seemed to be telling Zimeng something.

However, no matter how hard Zi Meng searched, she couldn't find Di Yuanmo, so she could only follow Di Yuanmo's voice.

Di Yuanmo's voice was always there, but Zimeng walked away for a long time without finding him, she sighed a little disappointed.

"Master, master, master..." Just when Zi Meng was a little discouraged, Lucky's voice came again, this time, Zi Meng chose not to hear it.

Anyway, heard it, couldn't find it either.

"Could it be that I'm going to be trapped here forever? Could it be that I won't be able to get out in the future? Could it be that I won't be able to see everyone in the future? I don't want to do this!"

Zimeng sniffed pitifully. What she wants the most now is to leave here, but she doesn't know where is the way out?
Zimeng doesn't know where the way out is, okay?
"Master, master, where are you? Answer me when you hear my voice!" Lucky's voice came again, and Zimeng blinked.

This time, Lucky's voice was very real, it seemed to be near Zi Meng, Zi Meng suddenly regained her spirits, and opened her eyes wide to look around.

(End of this chapter)

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