Chapter 863 Totally Overthinking

To let the majestic national teacher show such a silly expression.

"What did you do to him?" Qinglong looked at Zimeng, who blinked at Di Yuanmo.

It has nothing to do with her, she didn't do anything, she just agreed to marry Di Yuanmo, he has been like this all the time, she can't do anything, okay?
"Zi'er agreed to marry me." Zi Meng didn't speak, but Di Yuanmo spoke first, and his words stunned everyone present.

Qinglong's face changed, Baihu and Xuanwu were shocked, Bei Liwan opened his mouth wide, they couldn't believe it, okay?

Although they all knew about the relationship between Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, wouldn't they be a little too anxious to talk about getting married all of a sudden?

Is it a little too sudden?
"What did you say?" Qinglong, who came to his senses, suddenly stood up and looked at Di Yuanmo, who looked at him calmly.

"Zi'er agreed to marry me."

"You..." Qinglong was angrily preparing to have a good chat with Di Yuanmo, but Baihu hurriedly covered his mouth to keep him from getting too excited.

Even Xuanwu went to help, and the two of them pulled Qinglong to prevent him from talking or messing around.

Zi Meng looked at them and smiled.

"I didn't say that I must marry you. You have to ask my adoptive father first if they agree. If they don't agree, I won't marry."

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile. Di Yuanmo still had a smile on his face. He was not worried about this matter at all.

"Little aunt, I think you're overthinking it. If Grandpa finds out about this, he will definitely burst into tears and prepare a dowry for you."

Bei Liwan looked at Zimeng very seriously, Zimeng immediately rolled her eyes, this matter is still very possible.

When Di Yuanmo heard this, he smiled even more happily. Qinglong was controlled by the white tiger, so he couldn't do anything, so he could only roll his eyes.

"Wait here for me obediently, I'll be back soon." Di Yuanmo sat up for a while and got up, walked to Di Yuanmo's side, kissed Di Yuanmo on the lips, then turned and left.

"I'll go see Suzaku." After Di Yuanmo left, under Qinglong's angry gaze, Zimeng got up and ran away as if flying.

Bei Liwan suppressed a smile and followed, knowing that Zimeng was gone, Baihu let go of Qinglong. Qinglong looked at Baihu and Xuanwu, and the two ignored him and walked into the room.

Qinglong stood outside alone, looking at the sky, gritted his teeth viciously.

Now he finally has a master that he cares about, and now, he is going to be married off like this, he is really upset, okay?
Looking at the Suzaku lying on the bed, Zimeng walked over. The Suzaku she had seen before was obviously of the fire attribute, but it exuded a cold aura.

But now, Suzaku, who fell into a coma, looked like a child, and his whole body softened a lot.

"Master, is he alright?" Lucky stood on Zimeng's shoulder, looking at Suzaku together with Zimeng.

"I don't know! I'll take a look first." Zi Meng sat by the bed, feeling Suzaku's pulse.

After a while, Zimeng let go of her hand, and looked at Suzaku deeply.

"How is it? Master, is he alright?" Lucky looked anxiously at Zi Meng, who shook her head slightly.

She shook her head, but frightened the few people who followed in, thinking that Suzaku was dead, and stood there blankly looking at Zimeng.

(End of this chapter)

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