Chapter 864
"Well, little aunt, what do you mean by shaking your head?" Seeing that everyone was standing there in a daze, Bei Liwan could only bite the bullet and walk over, asking cautiously.

Zimeng turned her head, looked at them, and couldn't help blinking, what's going on with these people?It's really not very good-looking to look so dumb and silly!
"His body is fine, but I don't know when he will wake up. I really don't know much about your beast's body."

Zi Meng shrugged, and everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"But, are you really planning to get married like this?" Bai Hu sat on the side and looked at Zi Meng, Zi Meng lowered her head and smiled.

Baihu and the others didn't ask any more questions, because they already knew what Zimeng was thinking. Thinking about it, the two of them have been together for so long, and Zimeng is not young anymore.

It's not too late for them to get married now.

Moreover, after Zimeng and Di Yuanmo are together, they will not be separated, and Zimeng will not suffer so many injuries, right?
"By the way, tell me, after this guy wakes up, will he be as cold as before? That emotionless look is really terrifying!"

Zi Meng couldn't help shivering when she thought about it, if it was still like that, Zi Meng didn't want him to wake up so soon.

"No, Suzaku is complete now, don't worry." Baihu smiled gently at Zimeng, Zimeng was relieved, she didn't want to face that expressionless Suzaku.

It was even colder than the song of Li Yuan, it was really terrifying.

"To be honest, when Suzaku first came to make trouble, I was shocked when I saw him. I never thought that Suzaku would become like this. If Qinglong didn't stop us, I'm afraid, we would have a big battle beated."

Xuanwu thought about it, and felt that the previous Suzaku was terrible, but, as for what happened to Suzaku, they didn't know.

To truly understand, we can only wait for Suzaku to wake up and tell them.

"Lucky." Zimeng, who was looking at Suzaku, called out to Lucky. Lucky stood on her shoulder and looked down at her.

"Although there was nothing wrong with me when I contracted with Qinglong Baihu before, but if I contracted with Suzaku, the four great beasts will be gathered together. Will there be any changes?"

Zimeng was a little worried. The four great beasts were contracted by her at the same time. It was impossible to say that there were no mutations. Therefore, she had to ask clearly before making a contract.

In case something happens, she has to be prepared in advance!

The mutation will definitely attract the attention of many people, no matter what, she has to be prepared.

"Master, in fact, I am lucky and I don't know what will happen, because it has been a long, long time since no one has contracted the four great beasts at the same time, and I have not been the guardian of the four great beasts from the beginning, so, so……"

Lucky looked at Zimeng pitifully, with self-blame in his watery eyes, because it had never experienced the four great beasts being contracted by one person, so...

Zimeng sighed. She should have thought of it. Although Lucky knows about the four great beasts, it doesn't understand many of them.

"Forget it, I can only take one step at a time, and you don't have to blame yourself. In the future, you will know more." Zi Meng reached out and rubbed Lucky's head, and smiled gently at it.

(End of this chapter)

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