Chapter 868
After Zimeng finished speaking to Yutingxi, she looked at Shengge again. Shengge was excited when she heard that she had a job, no matter what Zimeng said.

Fortunately, the disciple next to her hurriedly grabbed her, otherwise, she would have rushed over to give Zimeng a big hug.

"So far, all the Guardians of the Liuli Sect have been appointed, but the success of the Liuli Sect depends not on a few of us, but on the joint efforts of all of us.

With us alone, the Liuli Sect will never be able to grow up. While everyone is here, I hereby announce that starting today, the Zangshu Pavilion will be open to everyone.

However, I hope everyone has self-consciousness. If you want to take the books away from the Zangshu Pavilion, you must make a registration and return the books within a certain period of time. In this way, all disciples can see the books inside. "

Zimeng looked at everyone very seriously, and everyone looked at Zimeng excitedly. Although, before, Zimeng also said that everyone can go to the Library Pavilion of the Liuli School to read books, but because Zimeng just became a The head of the sect thought that this was her way of winning people's hearts.

But now, it's different. The Liuli faction has gradually entered the right track, and its strength is much stronger than before. This is all thanks to Zimeng.

Although Zimeng seldom manages things, everyone knows that Zimeng found a lot of things for them, which is why the overall strength of Liuli faction is improving.

"That's all. Everyone can go away. Dharma protectors, you can go and register the disciples under your sect."

Seeing that everything had been arranged, Zimeng looked at Ling Siyun and the others. They nodded and left with all the disciples.

Bei Liwan was outside the door, carefully looking in, and only walked in when she saw Zi Meng was alone.

"Little aunt, grandpa wants you to go home immediately." Bei Liwan looked at Zimeng and said seriously.

"Hey~~ why?" Zimeng sat back lazily.

"Master Guoshi went to propose a marriage." The seriousness on Bei Liwan's face disappeared immediately, and she continued to speak while suppressing a smile.

Zimeng's mouth twitched involuntarily, and Di Yuanmo is going to propose marriage?Is this what he called coming back soon?Did he leave just to go to Bei Li's house to propose marriage?
What are you doing?

"Well, little Wan'er, I don't seem to hear what you said clearly, what did you just say?" Zi Meng looked at Bei Li Wan in a rather awkward manner.

"I said, Master Guoshi went home to propose a marriage, and grandpa asked you to go home to discuss this matter." Bei Liwan repeated the words, and the corners of Zimeng's mouth twitched even more.

Sure enough, she didn't hear anything wrong just now, but now, she can't leave at all, right?

The guardians of the Liuli Sect had just been settled, Ling Siyun and the others still had a lot of things to deal with, she couldn't leave everything to them, and Suzaku hadn't woken up yet.

After Suzaku wakes up, will she still sign a contract with Suzaku? I don't know what will happen then.

And Di Yuanmo also knew that Zimeng couldn't get away recently, otherwise, he wouldn't leave by himself, how could it be possible if the heroine wasn't around to ask for a marriage?

However, special circumstances are dealt with specially, even if Zimeng is not around, he can solve this matter by himself.

"Wan'er, go back and explain to your adoptive father. Let your adoptive father decide this matter. I won't go back. There are still many things here that I need to deal with. I can't leave yet."

(End of this chapter)

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