Chapter 869 Invincible Nympho
Zimeng looked at Bei Liwan with some embarrassment, and Bei Liwan nodded. In fact, she had already thought of it, but his old man definitely didn't think so.

If Zimeng didn't go back, he would definitely not agree to Master Guoshi's proposal.

However, in this case, Master Guoshi will definitely be in a bad mood, so troublesome, so scary, Bei Liwan looked at Zimeng and said, she doesn't want to go back either!

"Please, I think Grandpa and Yuan will understand me." Zi Meng looked at Bei Li Wan pitifully, Bei Li Wan raised her eyebrows, turned around, and left weakly.

It was an hour after Zimeng returned to the room, Suzaku hadn't woken up yet, Lucky was lying beside Suzaku, sound asleep.

Qinglong Baihu and the others were sitting together, talking about something, after Zimeng walked in, they all looked at Zimeng.

Zimeng sat beside Qinglong, leaning softly on Qinglong's body, Qinglong turned his head to look at Zimeng who had closed his eyes, and continued talking to Baihu without moving.

Zimeng was in a daze, and didn't understand what they were talking about. Afterwards, she simply started to practice.

Sensing that Zimeng absorbed the elements in the air, Qinglong and the others looked over. Who would have thought that they thought Zimeng just wanted to sleep, but unexpectedly, they leaned on Qinglong's shoulder and began to practice.

"Is she okay?" Xuanwu looked at Zimeng with some concern.

"It's okay, anyway, this is not the first time, but it's really the first time in this posture!" Qinglong looked at Zimeng helplessly.

Zimeng practiced like this, and he didn't know when he would wake up, so he didn't know how long he would have to sit.

Baihu and Xuanwu looked at each other, trying not to let themselves laugh, but Qinglong could see their trembling shoulders at a glance.

"Laugh as much as you want, I can't hold back, but it has nothing to do with this deity." Qinglong looked at them arrogantly, Baihu couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Baihu laughed, Xuanwu naturally followed suit, Qinglong rolled his eyes, and looked down at Zimeng.

She is only so cute when she is quiet.

However, thinking that Zimeng was about to call someone, Qinglong's mood suddenly became bad.

"I never thought that we would get together again because of such a little girl." Bai Hu looked at Zimeng with deep emotion.

"At the beginning, I chose to make a contract with her only because the resistance she showed when she saw me was not like other people who wanted to make a contract with me.

After making the contract, I found out that she is really an invincible nympho, and, very idiot, I wish I could kill her with my own hands, and then wait for the next master to appear. "

Qinglong looked at Zimeng and spoke softly, but he didn't notice that the deity he often talked about had been changed to me.

Baihu and the others looked at him, and he sighed. Although he didn't do that, he actually started to care when getting along with Zimeng.

Anyone who hurt Zimeng, he wanted to destroy them directly, and he was really relieved when he knew from Lucky's mouth that Zimeng was their real master.

Maybe it's because, in the future, they don't have to stay in a deep sleep just to wait for the next master!
Not only that, the four great beasts who have been separated all this time are finally all gathered together now, and they are really gathered together, not just a brief meeting in the past.

(End of this chapter)

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