Chapter 870 Really Not Happy

"What I'm worried about now is that after contracting Suzaku, our four great beasts will be assembled. At that time, whether the pressure brought by Zimeng's current body can bear it."

After Xuanwu's voice fell, both Qinglong and Baihu frowned. Yes, they only thought that the four great beasts had finally gathered together, but they forgot that Zimeng's body was a human body.

Although it is said that Zimeng has contracted three of the four great beasts, she certainly cannot bear the pressure brought by the gathering of the beasts.

"No problem, Master's body can withstand your coercion." Lucky sat up from Suzaku's side, rubbed his eyes with his little paws and spoke slowly.


"Over the years, I have been bathing my master with divine spring water. Her physique has already changed." Lucky proudly showed off to Qinglong and the others.

But Qinglong and Baihu rolled their eyes involuntarily, they almost forgot that luck is in charge of the Shenjing space.

In the Shenjing space, there is something that everyone wants, and that is the Shenquan water. With the Shenquan water, Zimeng's physique will naturally be greatly improved.

Even so, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents. Qinglong and the others focused their attention on Zimeng again.

"However, I heard from my ancestors that there will be a change after all the four great beasts are contracted. Although it didn't tell me what the change is, it will definitely attract powerful people from all sides."

Lucky lowered his head and spoke in a very uneasy manner. His uneasiness was directly passed on to Qinglong and the others.

Qinglong and the others can feel that Lucky is very nervous now, but it has come to this point, nervousness is useless, right?
Moreover, even if there is such a result, I believe that Zimeng will definitely contract Suzaku.

"No, I'm going to ask my ancestor. If there is any trouble, I absolutely can't let the master make a contract with Master Suzaku." After saying that, Lucky jumped off the bed.

Before Qinglong and the others had time to stop them, luck had already disappeared. It can be seen that with the improvement of Zimeng's strength, luck's ability has also recovered a little.

Luckily left, Zimeng was still practicing, Qinglong and the others stopped talking, quietly waiting for Zimeng to wake up.

As for whether to make a contract, it still depends on Zimeng's own plan. If Zimeng doesn't make a contract with Suzaku, they have no reason to force her.

Zi Meng originally thought that the disciples of the Liuli School would be busy with their own affairs for a long time, and they were indeed busy, but Zi Meng didn't know what they were busy with.

However, when Zimeng woke up, the entire Liuli Sect had already been arranged red, beaming with joy. Of course, this is a story.

———The hot little genius doctor——

Bei Li Xinhong and Di Yuanmo sat facing each other, and Di Yuanmo had a decent but distant smile on his face.

Bei Li Xinhong looked at Di Yuanmo blankly, protesting with Di Yuanmo with his eyes, expressing his dissatisfaction.

He is really unhappy now!
Zimeng is his adopted daughter, she is very prestigious in Beili's house, and she will share any good things with them without hesitation.

All the members of Beili's family are very respectful to her, and no one will speak ill of her behind her back. Moreover, everyone is very protective of her. If they hear someone speak ill of Zimeng, they will definitely do something.

Even he, the head of the family, did not have such a high reputation as Zimeng.

(End of this chapter)

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